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Are you repulsed by your own gender?



  1. 1. Well, are you?

    • I am repulsed by both the physical and societal aspects of my gender
    • I am repulsed by physical attributes only
    • I am repulsed by societal attributes only
    • Yes (please elaborate)
    • I am not
    • I am indiffernt to all aspects of my gender identity, both internal and external
    • Other (please elaborate)

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I'm repulsed by male and female nudity of any sort. Bodies of my own gender (aka lack thereof), though...it's tough to say, as the first and only time I've ever even seen a featureless body was when I worked at a preschool and helped a little girl go to the bathroom. (I'm fine with naked Sims though.) As far as societal repulsion goes, you could say it's a yes for both binary genders as well, as I have had enough experience with my own age group to form various prejudices against both guys and girls. Never met another non-binary in person, so I can't speak to whether they fall under my misanthropic umbrella or not.

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  • 9 months later...

Nothing about my gender/sex that's specific to it repulses me, if fact I quite like being cisfemale.

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I voted for Other. I don't especially care about my gender.... but as such, no female has ever given me a reason to like them, more like dislike I guess... from what I've seen... so yeah...

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  • 1 month later...
Jesper Carlten

I actually kind of like being a woman, or becoming one, but I really, really dislike the stereotypes associated with them. I refuse to wear pink, I dislike 'girly' activities and I also when I was younger said I wanted to become an astronaut just because it wasn't something strictly girlish.

But actually I'm not unhappy with my gender, but I couldn't really care.

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I hate society's picture of what a real female should look like. The helpless, airhead Barbie doll? No thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

You used gender instead of sex. My gender is mental and neutral, so I don't have anything physical to go with it. My sex however, I am slightly quite repulsed by. I am really grossed out by genitals in general.

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Kitty Spoon Train

Romantically repulsed, sexually indifferent.

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Indifferent. I mean sometimes I get annoyed at my body, because I hate having breasts most the time (ANNOYING THINGS!), but I wouldn't really want to have surgery to change that or anything. And I hate stereotypes of either gender, but, I don't think most people think stereotypes are good in reality.

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Bye Bye Birdy

Yeah...is it possible to be repulsed by your mental gender, too? Physically, I have no reason to be happy about being female, but I suppose it's tolerable. All stereotypes aside, there shouldn't be anything inferior about being socially female, and I know I can--and do--do anything I want. Mentally, I think I only wish I weren't female. Everything suggests to me that I am, and I can't convince myself (or anyone else) that I'm anything but female-gendered. It's infuriating and depressing, but I still think I am female essentially, and I'm just profoundly unhappy about it. But why? Being female should be just as good as anything else, and I'm always afraid I might be internalizing misogyny.

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I hate gender stereotypes. I was born a girl but I dont identify as a girl inside. I dont identify as a boy either. I just identify as me-Im pretty much genderless on the inside. My physical identity as a woman causes a lot of annoying problems for me.

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I mean, I guess I'm okay being female-bodied. I don't like my chest (it is handy when I have to wear a dress), and I'm thankful I don't have a big chest at all. I hate the stereotypical female image of a whiny, preppy, makeup-faced girl who loves boy bands. Can't STAND that. It makes me scream. I hate when people call my messenger bag a purse; it drives me nuts.

I don't feel any discomfort marking "female" on a survey or application or anything. I'm cool with that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate manly men. All full of maschismo and Testosterone, flaunting a Bicep here and an Ab there, hitting on anything with a Pulse and letting you know just how amny times they've done so. I'm also a little repulsed by the Male form, mainly the use of men with their tops off when advertising a watch. Up until quite recently I hated my body. I exercise regulalry to relieve depression, stress and anger, but that meant that I added muscle and that left me feeling very negative towards how I looked. Thankfully someone very close and special to me helped me understand the disgust I had and my anxieties are all but gone. That being said, I still don't like to see much in the way of semi-naked man flesh.

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i am insanely indifferent to gender. really.

i'm biologically female but i don't feel female either physically or in terms of personality. gender is something made up by people to highlight the differences between men and women. men and women are only different physically, not mentally. it's impossible to predict how someone will behave based on their sex.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel repulsed by the physical form of both genders, but I feel indifferent to them mentally.

I had never really been able to tell the difference between them anyway, until sex ed. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The gender issue seems like an interesting one to bring up in therapy. It's just not super important to me at all times (I blame the crazy woman hormones of mine!!). I've been told I have nice curves though and I do enjoy using them to tease men who have been naughty. That way they can look at what they can never have. And that's how I get back at men, when I feel like it, that is. XD

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Repulsed by the physical aspects (read: genitals) of my biological sex.

As for gender... well, I don't even know where I'd place myself on the gender spectrum. I sure can't stand that whole machismo spiel, but I don't see that as a necessary aspect of male gender and thus won't judge all males on the bigotry of a subgroup of self-proclaimed Super!Males.

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Kitty Spoon Train
I sure can't stand that whole machismo spiel, but I don't see that as a necessary aspect of male gender and thus won't judge all males on the bigotry of a subgroup of self-proclaimed Super!Males.

I constantly find myself fighting this lately. I mean, internally...

ie Not getting disgusted with my gender by conflating it with macho culture in my head. Especially when I find myself in social/cultural circles which make it appear like the norm and like it's the only way to be a Real Man. Urgh.

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This poll is being locked and moved to the read only Census archive for it's respective year. As part of ongoing Census organization, and in an attempt to keep the demographics of the polls current with the active user base at the time, the polls will last for one year from now on. However, members are allowed and even encouraged to re-start new polls similar to the archived ones if they like them.

Lady Girl, Moderator

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