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age you first thought of yourself as asexual?

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13 years. But then I forgot about the whole concept of sexual orientation for a couple of years, haha. The fact that I identified as asexual totally escaped my mind.

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When I was thirteen, I had a joke with my friends that I was literally asexual, because I had never crushed on anyone.

It took a few more years to before I considered whether I was actually ace or not. It was only when I was 18-ish that I knew with any certainty. :P

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I hadn't really ever been too concerned with sexual orientation until I was 17. I began to question if I was asexual or not about a year ago when we had a dating unit in Spanish where we had a project on which we had to describe our "ideal person." I had no idea what to do for the project, and quickly came to the conclusion that I was asexual. Though, I didn't tell my teacher this because I thought she would think that I was trying to find an excuse out of the project, so I just made stuff up and instead put qualities that I like to see in people in general as a description of my ideal person. So age 17 is when I first considered myself asexual.

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21... first hints that I was not like my peers was when I was 11, but I used different explanations until I found AVEN at 21.

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For years, I identified as heterosexual, because I always enjoyed looking at good looking men. It wasn't until I was in my mid to late 50's that I started identifying as asexual. Never having had sex, I was not interested in it at all by then. I like to look, but nothing more.

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Before that I thought I was just weird and so did my partners. Be glad you know now, teenagers!

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Well... I don't recall when I first identified as an asexual, to be honest.

I apparently joined AVEN two days after my 17th birthday, and I vaguely recall identifying as asexual before that, so I suppose 14-16.

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Guest member31022

19 (as in, the past 6 months).

Well, that's when I first discovered the word. I've known I was different since I was 17, and I found out all of my friends thought about things differently to me. I've been the person I am since I was 12/13, I just didn't figure it wasn't the 'norm'.

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I discovered asexuality when I was 15, thought I might be asexual, and spent the next eight years denying it to myself :P

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Professor Godric

I'm 18, and just figured it out. My very good friends are all SEXSEXSEXSEXIWANNAGETSOME and I'm just "meh."

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I guess I kind of always knew, I just didn't know there was a term for it. As far as identifying? About age 17.

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At age 12-14ish I realised something was "wrong" and different with me as all my friends had sexual desires and relationships were as I had no interest in any of that what so ever. I was 17 however before I learnt the word and meaning of asexual and realised that it fitted how I felt.

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Well, at the age of Fifteen, I heard the term, but I gave it no mind. About a year later, I Googled it and found AVEN. That's when I bestowed the Asexy title upon myself.

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I found out about asexuality when I was 14, and decided then that I was "tentatively" asexual (since I realized that I was still too young to really know). I'm 19 now, and have pretty much made up my mind that I am asexual.

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I'm a bit late compared to many of you (because during my teen years I never had internet access). I only started questioning my sexuality around last year when I decided to research on whether or not there were people who just weren't as sexually attracted to people (physically) like me. I'm 27 now!

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Edward Cullen

I first realised that there 'was' such a thing as asexual probably when I was about 16, 17 or so. I found out when I saw an interview by the creator (I think) of AVEN on the Richard and Judy Show (Channel 4, UK) where he was discussing asexuality. I'd always known I wasn't interested in sex, but that interview made everything click for me - I realised that there was actually other people who felt the same out there lol.

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when i was about 14 or 15 my friend joked that i was asexual, but i thought that is just meant i hadn't made up my mind if i liked men or women. but now i understand it more and i am definetly an asexual! yay, finally at 19 i don't feel alone and wierd about how i am and how i feel. :)

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I've never really felt any kind of sexual attraction to people, but I only really realized there might be something more to it in recent years... and then a little while ago I came across this forum and officially began identifying myself as ace... so... 19, I guess.

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well i was 21 when i first knew, and my mom and dad suggest this site to help me work out my feelings and my thoughs about this with people who understand.

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