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The Banning Game!

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Banned for starting a local banning shop which is in unfair competition with the Arcade Banning Thread.

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Banned for wanting a monopoly 

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fantastic mx. foxglove

Banned for cheating at Monopoly

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I am a dachshund call me Dach Johnson. I am a  dachshund activists. I  fight for issues in my community. 




There has been big issues my kind face in this American society. We are tired of being objectified by those in the dog community and human community. We are not "wiener" dogs. We are dachshund and we want to be referred to as such.  Time and time again, other dogs make inappropriate  jokes about the term "wiener dogs", and we are sick of it. Humans dress us up as hotdogs.




Just disturbing. We are dogs, not food. We can't help that humans breed us to be long shaped. Humans think it's cute to dress us up as hotdogs, but it's an insult.  We are contributing members in the USA. We deserve respect.



Time and time again, dachshund community are harrased with jokes about hotdogs, and enough is enough. Either fight for us or get banned. Your choice.


















You're banned because you won't fight for dachshunds. You're banned because this post unnecessary foolishness cluttering up this thread. You're banned because I keep taking my boredom our in this thread.

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fantastic mx. foxglove

Banned for not telling him he's a good boy

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Banned for teaching him how to beg. He's just been arrested for vagrancy 

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Hello class. I am scholar bunny. I study shit. Welcome.



In my studies, I have a few important questions  that need answering. All of these questions pertain to the middle east.


1. Why does only the east have a middle?! You don't hear about middle south,, middle west, or middle north. But there is a middle east. What the actual fuck?! 


2. Egypt is a part of two continents at the same time. It is transcontinental. Egypt is in Asia and Africa. It is considered apart of the middle east. How?! Egypt is off to the side when you look at it on the map. How the hell is it in the middle of ANYTHING?! Who is making this shit up?!


3. I know this may offend folks, but it gotta be asked. How come all the weird religious stuff happens, or has  happened, in the middle east?! Moses and the burning bush, Abraham about to sacrifice his son until some angel rolled up and stopped his ass, Some Heffa in the old testament was turned into a pillar of salt, the whole Jesus thing, and so much more. What the hell?! No one notices this?! Either some weird spiritual stuff is going on, or folks over there are smoking, snorting, or eating some of that good shit. Like damn.


4. Why are most people not aware that golden hamsters are from Syria? Hamsters are the mystic gift of the middle east and MUST be respected.


Now these are my most controversial questions. Now class, if you want an A+, you must give one paragraph for each question. If not, you will be banned.























I know you probably won't answer my question (which is understandable) , So.... I'll ban you anyways. Get ready....



You're banned because I was studying middle eastern culture today. You are banned because I'm hungry.

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Banned for considering Nether Wallop to be an instruction, not a place name 

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fantastic mx. foxglove

Banned for pinching my cheek and calling me cute

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fantastic mx. foxglove

Believe it or not! You've been banned!

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Unbanlievably banned 

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fantastic mx. foxglove

Banned for not offering paid vacation days

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Banned for reserving all the sunbeds 

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In the beginning nothing was. It was All void. Nothing was just that...nothing. Nothing was present except.....



The celestial platypus. 




The celestial platypus birthed itself from the egg of the void. The celestial platypus was not she, a he, or even a them. The celestial platypus was just.....existence itself. The celestial platypus was power itself. The celestial platypus knew that the universe shouldn't be void. "I must fill the universe with the eggs of life, brilliance, and excellence," Celestial platypus said, "I will birth world's upon world's. Sun's upon sun's. Universes upon universes." The first  egg the celestial platypus laid was the sun. Then the celestial platypus birthed the egg called the moon.


The celestial platypus laid many eggs called planets. "I will let my song called 'natural law' dictate the fate of my eggs and the universes at large." The celestial platypus stated. The platypus sang the song of natural law. Most of the planets bore no fruit of life. Mars tried to thrive, yet natural law halted Mars' development. Yet Earth thrived. 


Earth stood the test of time. It gave rise to many forms of life. It survived mass extinction. The celestial platypus stopped singing. The universe became still. Time stopped. "The egg called earth has pleased me," The celestial platypus said, "I will continue the song of natural law." The platypus sang and sang. Life on earth was thriving until....humans. 😒 


Centuries passed, humans have destroyed the earth. The celestial platypus grew angry. "The humans have destroyed this precious egg called earth," celestial platypus growled, "They have not given praise to the platypus. They will force my paw of rage." If the humans do not change their ways, the celestial platypus will split open the egg that is earth. The  yolk of the earth will Spill. Life will perish.


Will you wake up and praise the platypus?













This story was utter ridiculridiculousness. I keep cluttering up this with my boredomI ban you because platypus are super cute, yet they freak me out.

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Banned for leaving that Celestial Platypus in the petting farm 

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fantastic mx. foxglove

Banned for leading an elaborate jailbreak with the animals of the petting farm

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Banned for the sudden influx of rabbits into the vegetable garden 

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