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Yes! Annie's Mailbox mentions asexuality


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Asexuality--and AVEN--got mentioned in Saturday's (3-20) column. biggrin.gif A newcomer (waves at Lenores_Revenge) mentioned it so I took a look. Get ready to meet some more newcomers. smile.gif

2012 Mod Edit: The link above doesn't seem to link to the right column today. I think I've found a copy here, and the relevant text is copied by Live R Perfect a few posts below.

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Worthless Poster

Publicity? Yayy!

*throws confetti*

WAIT!!! Should we... tidy the place up a bit for company? *hands out brooms and dustpans to willing AVENites*

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Live R Perfect

YAY!! Who was responsible for this? :)

Dear Annie: I read with interest the letter from "Small Town, USA," the 51-year-old man who asked if his asexuality is normal. As an asexual myself, I'd like to offer a few words of reassurance, as it can be tough living in a world where sexual desire is a given, and people who don't appear interested in the opposite sex are assumed to be homosexuals.

If the natural variation in human desire for sex is thought of as a bell curve, some people are going to wind up at the low end. For more information about sexual orientation (and the lack of such), please ask your readers to check out the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) at www.asexuality.org.

-- Asexual in Kansas

Dear Kansas: Thank you for the resource. The AVEN Web site offers information and explicitly frank chat. Those who need the support may find it useful.

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Cate Perfect

I haven't the foggiest, Liver, who is in Kansas? *thinks*

*to self* Was Dorothy an asexual?


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Worthless Poster

After a brief member list search, barring anyone with a city listed first, it would have to be either Wombat, Incense, or marleyslimit.

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This is great, our first real wave of publicity in the US. A friend of mine saw it in the Boston Globe and told me about it.

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oh my gosh * can barely contain excitement, as usual * that is AWESOME!!!

AVEN and asexuality got mentioned in an American mainstream syndicated column, wow.

I know a lot of us wrote letters to her in response to that letter, I know I did, but that's not my letter, I'm not sure who's it is. It just goes to show you that you do have to always try, even if you think there's no way your letter will be published...I wonder if the fact that she got multiple letters from people about AVEN prompted her to choose one to publish.

That's the second time! that we've responded to a letter in a column where someone says "is anyone else nonsexual like me?" the columnist basically says no and we write in about asexuality and aven, and get our response published - that's the second time, at least! Nice!

I love getting new members and publicity :)

wonder if it was in any local papers


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