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Past life regression - have you tried it?


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A long time ago. I had a hard time distinguishing what might be a real memory and what was just my imagination. If any of it was a real memory.

When I was a kid I had some spontaneous "memories" of being in an Incan village but again I have no idea if these were real or not.

A lot of people are different genders in their past lives but of about 10 different scenes I saw I was always female. Don't know what that means.

I don't think any of it has really helped me in any way.

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Nope. Life is a one time only ticket on the ride. I don't believe I have lived mortally before and after I die I won't be back as another person. God has other plans for me.

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Have you tried "Past life regression" of some kind? Did you benefit? Thanks for the answers and opinions.

Don't need to. I know where I was last time 'round.

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Thank you for the answers so far. I have no problems with and fully respect that some people for whatever reason are questioning the concept or method of regressions. My intention, nonetheless, with this topic is mainly to address people who are open towards the topic and maybe even have hands-on/heads-in experiences to share.

Thank you for respecting this, and I am sorry for not expressing myself very clearly from the start.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, vikingo. I attended a psychic fair once, where a woman led a group through a past life regression exercise. I had an image of myself as a young, Victorian girl, by the shore, and later walking with her father. I saw buildings in London as well, and superimposed over these, a ship with cargo from foreign lands - China, I think. I got the impression that my father,in that life, was a merchant of some kind. I have always had an affinity for Victorian England, and was not surprised to have these images come to me. I have also had readings from a psychic, who helped me to recall a second Victorian life as a "bobby", or policeman as we would call it now.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this thread's practically dead, but I thought I'd speak up. I was regressed for the first time when I was sixteen, and it completely changed my life. I'll spare you the details, as there are very, very many. PM me if you want them. But, long story short, I was suicidal my entire life up to that point. I attempted three or four times - always foiled by family or fear. Then I was regressed, and I understood why I was suffering, and I've been happy - really happy - ever since. Not saying I don't have troubles, of course. I'm just capable of handling them now.

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No, I haven't. How exactly would one go about this? It sounds very interesting. (My apologizes if this question ends up hijacking the thread...)

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I missed this thread. How does one go about this? I would like to know. I have memories that I can't really explain.

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There are a couple different ways. Some people go to certain psychiatrists who are trained in past life regression. There are also workshops around the country on a fairly regular basis where you can go and sort of get a group regression. The option that I took, however, was simply to have someone in my family regress me by reading a regression "script" from one of Brian Weiss' books. You'll want to practice meditation for a few weeks before you try it, if you don't meditate already.

For anyone who is interested in past life regression, but doesn't know much about it, I highly recommend the aforementioned books of Brian Weiss. The first one is called "Many Lives, Many Masters." I can't remember what they're all called, but some of the titles are "Only Love is Real," "Through Time Into Healing," "Same Soul, Many Bodies," and "Messages from the Masters." They're all incredible books that you can usually find at any bookstore. I know Borders usually carries them, for instance.

I hope this helped. Good luck!

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I have various snatches of memory from past lives, and have over the years been able to piece together tiny snapshots of those lives. I'd be very interested in finding out more, but am wary about hypnotism or 'surrendering my will' to any charlatan, and don't know how to find a reputable person.

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Like I said: it could be a friend or a member of your family reading a script from one of Brian Weiss's books. Or you could even record yourself reading it and play it back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried a few times but it didn't work. My self control is so strong that I can't be hypnotized.

I don't accept all the fluff-stuff and dogmas that one's supposed to believe in if one believes in reincarnation, and I don't exactly believe in it either, because I have no proof. But I'm open to the possibility. The closest to proof that I have are some weird ideas and "memories" from childhood, but I had a vivid imagination as a child, and it could be a result of that as well. Anyhow, if we have more than one life, it would be interesting to know what I've been in my past lives, but even more interesting to learn how it works and why, and how it has come to be that way, and what influences what we will be born as in the next life. I mean scientifically, not deciding it has to do with karma because the religious authorities say so.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you want to dismiss my suggestion that is OK. You can get a glimpse of your past life from the South Node in your astrology chart. The book that helped me understand what my patterns/issues are is called Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller. It is a classic best seller and should be on the shelf at your local Barnes and Noble. You just look up the Node section for your birthdate and read what she has to say about it in a 60 page chapter. Highly enlightening.

I have a Virgo South Node and was possibly a nun in my past life. Today I live across the street from a historic Catholic Church called La Madeline in Salt Lake. I did not visit area before moving here. I was living in this apartment the day the Pope crossed over which I don't think was a coincidence.

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Have you tried "Past life regression" of some kind? Did you benefit? Thanks for the answers and opinions.

Nope, never had, it does seem interesting. But I have a hard enough time remembering my own past, why try to muddle it by throwing in another one to keep track of?

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I've never tried the regression part, per se. I have a hard time with the meditation part. I know it takes practice, but I can never seem to grasp it. I don't think I have the self-control. I do know some of my past lives though and I sometimes use them in my stories. And even though I don't think I could ever be successful at past life regression, I have contacted my spirit guide several times who has confirmed that I did live the lives I believed I had. I much prefer shamanic journeying. ^_^

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I have a hard time with the meditation part. I know it takes practice, but I can never seem to grasp it. I don't think I have the self-control. ^_^

The point about meditation is that there is no control. By releasing control, you achieve it. By striving to achieve it, it will elude you.

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Well spoken, Tanwen!

My problem with spiritual stuff is that my self control is almost automatic... I just don't know how to let go of it, but I try.

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BaronTheCat, I think I also have similar problems. It's really a headspace I cannot get out of. Self control is so tightly wound into me that I will have panic attacks if anything threatens it. I consider myself really really uptight, even if I don't appear so to the outside world.

I have never tried past life regression. Perhaps I will someday. But that would involve admitting to other people I was into that sort of thing.

I'm not good at visualizing stuff. I know I've tried to explore dreams in the past, and though I can be fairly lucid and control many of my actions, I have a certain comfort zone I just cannot leave. I can't control them enough to say explore past lives myself. And when other people are talking to me about new agey sort of stuff I get extremely critical and don't believe what they are telling me and think they are overly dogmatic or idealistic. And thus, cannot get over my cycle of self control.

I have, however, experienced certain people in a way that I have believed them to be a certain role to me in a past life. I can't really explain that one. But I've definitely never gotten settings or anything. All of my dreams, all of my thoughts rarely even leave the backyard I grew up in. I can't visualize a place I've never seen in this lifetime.

I also know that my South Node is in Libra. And I am quite certain that is accurate for me, judging by my character. I feel trapped and I can't possibly imagine myself attaining leadership skills, because I was always a follower. Once when I was high, I was convinced that I was extremely religious (Christian) in a past life, and even though my feelings that there was a higher power were overpoweringly strong ... I could tell it was a sort of blind infatuation. Anyway, I know I was a blind follower ... so perhaps there is no point in thinking about any kind of past life, and just move forward.

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Thanks for the replies so far. One of my own concerns is the self control/letting go/trust issue. I sometimes think that opening my mind to someone would be like the scene in "Raiders of the lost Ark" where "they" open the ark. There may be something in the box that I am not aware of or acknowledge. If there is - can I handle it?

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  • 2 months later...

After having some very vivid dreams several years ago that made me wonder if they were about a past life experience, I began reading about reincarnation and past lives. I interviewed a woman about 12 or 14 years ago who was a past life regression hypnotherapist (I interviewed her because I was working on a novel on the subject), and I was fascinated by the information she shared with me. I still plan to have a regression someday. I have done a couple past life meditations, but didn't come up with anything as interesting or vivid as the dreams I had.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Have you tried "Past life regression" of some kind? Did you benefit? Thanks for the answers and opinions.

Essentially, it seems to be cryptomnesia: we retain in our minds all kinds of things we have read/seen on TV or films/daydreamed, and for suggestible people, this can come out in hypnosis as a 'past life'.

A friend of mine (now dead) tried it several years ago, and told me about her experience. Immediately, I could recognise elements (including the name of the person she said she was) from a historical novel and film popular when she was young. I mentioned this to her, but she did not want to accept that it might be a buried memory of a 1950s film. She had 'seen' her character dying in old age, and I think that satisfied her emotionally as she had a medical condition which she knew meant she would not live to a great age.

There has been a very interesting analysis of some of the most detailed cases from the Bloxham tapes. What particularly fascinated me is the way the subject reworked the plotlines of the novels she had read around the characters with whom she identified. In her imagination, whether subconsciously or consciously, she was creating a kind of fanfic, which came out under hypnosis.

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