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Asexuality in Salem, OR


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I'm a student at Willamette University here in Salem, OR. Today was the student activities fair, so while I was wandering around trying to figure out what there was that I might be interested in, I noticed the word "Asexuality" on a sign. Intrigued, I stepped closer to the table, which turned out to be the table of the campus GSLBTQ-etc.-A group, Angles. I mentioned that it was interesting that there was even mention of asexuality on the sign, and the girl staffing said that they were all for people being who they were, and helping anyone who wanted it, no matter what they said they were. She told me that the first meeting of the year would be tonight, so I said that I'd "consider" going (read: "I want to be there, but I'm leaving myself an exit in case something better comes up.")

Of course, I went. I find the idea of the group accepting asexuality from the outset too awesome to pass up. While the discussion tonight was centered around heterosexism, I plan to see if I can get asexuality talked about at some point, for both the reactions from those who have trouble making it mesh with their worldview (because breaking worldviews is fun!) and for just getting people around campus to actually think about it. Besides, I figure it might be good to have someone around to mention asexuality when it becomes relevant.

So, things might be getting a bit more A here in Salem...I hope.

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That is so cool! :D

(I visited Willamette but didn't apply-- maybe I should've, MY college didn't have any asexual stuff! :shock: )

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That is so cool! :D

(I visited Willamette but didn't apply-- maybe I should've, MY college didn't have any asexual stuff! :shock: )

Mine doesn't either. I'm totally jealous.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I'm in Salem too. Great to hear that Willamette U is inclusive of Asexuality. I seem to recall that they had a booth at Salem Pride and I saw a sign stating the same thing. I had to do a double take to make sure I was reading it correctly.

Just a side note here. I'm fiarly impressed with Salem's Municipal Codes, Chapter 97 on Human Rights. These codes prohibit discrimination in public housing, employment or public accomodations based on race, religion, color, sex, marital status, familial status, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and source of income.


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