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As you know,I am from Spain,and telling to be asexual here is like telling to be from another planet like venus, for example,very sad, but real.My question is if you know that apart this fantastic web,there are in some place in all around the world,(USA,Canada,Australia,New Zealand,Europe,Asia,Africa......and so on)any real association for people like us,where we could meet,laugh,speak....and to get help in many ways like jobs,psycological help,friends, love,meetings,picnics,travelling,and another activities.I told you this because I suposse that in USA for example,perhaps there is a movement developing in this moment,and I have no idea about this,I think that it will be a very good idea to create a real asociation of AVEN in some place in order to help us each to other.

I am sure that in the future,this idea will make reality. :wink:

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Hey Lux,

I don't know of any Associations here in the U.S.A. for Asexuals. But like I said in the Parade Thread. I don't think a real Social Association would work for us, at least not for many of us. We are Introverted. I don't go to Family Gatherings, there is no way I'd go to an Asexual Association Clubhouse with people I don't know.

I just think that being introverted, pretty much cancels any idea of social gatherings. I am assuming that there are Social Asexuals, that might like a Social Club for Asexuals, but I don't know how many that might be?

For me, Socializing on the internet is as far as I am willing to go, not because I wouldn't like to meet others, but that being as introverted as I am, it's just not something I could force myself to do.

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