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Please, help me figure out if I'm Asexual


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Hello guys!

Well, I'm a 23 years old. I'm a girl, even though I dress and look like a boy and honestly, I would rather be one.

Nevermind that tho.


I kinda always thought I'm a lesbian, bcs boys kinda grossed me out. Romantically I mean.

Yeah some of them r nice to look at, but the thought of dating a boy is weird to me. Friends? Sure. Dating? NO. Sex? Absolutely NO!


Girls were another story altogether tho. Who doesn't appreciate woman's body is a fool. And most girls are really hot 😉 


I had girlfriend once. We were friends for some time and she said that she liked me and asked me if I wanted to date her. I said yes. Why? I don't know. I thought why not? I don't think I felt anything tho. Hugging and cuddling with her was fine. I liked that. Kissing? Not bad. Lips on lips was okay. French kiss? Ugh, no. Sex? Never had it, never tried. Not interested, I'm curious tho.


Well, another thing is that I watch porn quite....lot? Idk if 2-3 per week is lot. Sometimes it's even less than that though. When I watch porn i masturbate, obviously. And yes, I get horny by watching it.


Sooo, I think I may be asexual that likes girls? 🤔

Idk, I'm new to this all. Never really looked up LGBTQ communities, terms etc.

I just liked girls so i was lesbian and that was that. 


I would appreciate the help. Thank you 😊❤️



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Definitely sounds like you could be asexual!


One of the things that can cause some confusion about asexuality is that the term is based solely on attraction. You can still have a sex drive/libido and be asexual. Many asexuals do masturbate, even when they consider themselves to be sex-repulsed/averse to partnered sex. And that's not even getting into the asexuals who are sex-indifferent or favorable, and may have partnered sex on occasion!


I would highly recommend taking a look at AVEN's About Asexuality section found here


Oh, and it's a tradition to welcome newcomers with cake, so have some cake!


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Hi and welcome. :cake: It's certainly possible you could be a homoromantic asexual. The "not interested" in sex despite being in a situation of escalating intimacy is a strong sign. The porn thing is a matter of physiological libido if it doesn't tie into what you're driven to pursue with other people. That's really the key here. Just like how heterosexual women can get off on lesbian porn, for example, being physically aroused by sexual imagery doesn't change the real world orientation you may have towards sex. 


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