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Who have you "come out" to?


Who have you "come out" to?  

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    • If they know me, they know I'm A.
    • My family knows, but not my friends.
    • My friends know, but not my family.
    • It's mixed (Some family, some friends)
    • Only my significant other knows.
    • No one (save AVENites) knows.

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I never "came out" to anyone, but my brother knows because he directly asked me. He just guessed it! Quite strange.

Other than that, I think my close friends and family kind-of know, in that they know what I'm like... but they probably wouldn't actually assign the word "asexual" to it (because I assume they're unaware of the term).

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Wolf X Omega

I told only my friends, i told first my significant others, that for me means my very close friends, later on i told a friend of mine who was so close minded, just to see the reaction i'd get, i won't tell my family cus they might call an exorcist or something, they just don't understand

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No one knows except you all at AVEN. I'm not trying to avoid the issue. It's just that with me being the outspoken person that I am... If I am ever asked directly, then I will not back down or lie. Unless it's some random person or someone from work asking. That is none of their business.

So until then :lol:

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My little brother knows, my best friend knows, and my 2 roomates know.

Also the people on the ffonline forums as well as 4chan know I am asexual.

I have never told my parents because as devout christians I dont know how they would take it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've recently sort of "silently" come out. As in I've joined the asexual and AVEN groups on Facebook so they're right up on my front page for my school friends to see.

I think it would be awkward and unnecessary for me to just tell them outright that I'm asexual . No one asked and it's not really something they need to know. If somebody sees it and asks me about it or just asks me, then fine.

Also, I've put some userbars in my signature on a forum I'm on (been there almost two years, and I know the regular posters, they would not have a problem with me being asexual), including an AVEN one. No one's said anything about it, but then again I've already mentioned I thought I might be asexual. The reaction was good, by the way, basically "What's that mean?" followed by "Oh, okay." I'll take that as acceptance.

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The only people I've completely come out to are my friends on Myspace, which is mostly because I have the AVEN group there listed as one of my friends links, so it can't avoid being seen.

In the few times I've come close to disclosing my asexuality in real-life I sensed probable unfavorable reactions, so I kinda edged away from discussing it.

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't told anybody outside the AVEN network. All my friends already know I've never had sex and don't intend to, but they just assume it's because I haven't experienced it yet. I'm in college, so it's a little hard putting up with everybody telling me how great sex is and how much I'm missing out.

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I told my Mum this week that I felt I may be asexual.

It was easier to say than I thought. I don't want to tell anyone else because its really none of their business :P But I wanted to tell my mum what I'm feeling right now :)

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So I told my mom today that I'm asexual. She thinks that it's because of some past trauma/abuse that I don't remember. :?

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For me, being asexual is sort of like being a fan of symphonic metal. It’s not something that I’m at all ashamed of, but it’s not something that I usually see as a big deal worth discussing. I don’t wake up and think about the awesome asexual day I’m going to have.

As a result, I don’t really do much in the way of “coming out.” But it isn’t a secret either.

At this point, only a few people actually know.

On occasion, I’ve had to tell a few, shall we say, persistent guys to get them to leave me alone (with varying results.) Other than that, it rarely merits mention.

The last person I sort of accidentally came out to was a female friend that I’ve had since elementary school. She was at my computer one day and saw me at some funny asexual forum. *caugh*here*caugh* She asked me about it and I told her what an asexual was and that I was one. She and I were somewhat surprised that she didn’t know. We would have thought that over the years that we’ve know each other, that detail would have come up somewhere. I suppose that I saw it as such a non-issue, I simply never thought to mention it. She was quiet about what she thought of that. I kinda wonder what’s in her head…

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I haven't "come out" exactly, but it's certainly not for being ashamed - sex/sexual attraction just don't seem to come up in conversation.

I think my family is pretty much aware by now that I'm not into the whole romantic love/sex/relationships thing. I just hope they're not all quietly assuming I'm homosexual, and hiding something from them about my life . . . hmmm . . . maybe I should just tell them straight, just to be sure.

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My group of friends recently commented that we happen to include a gay male, a gay female, lots of straight people and an Ethan(me).

So i don't they'd be surprised if i was A, I've just been too shy to tell them.

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I'm only out to AVEN, and I'm not sure if I'll be out to anyone else for years to come. It seems unnecessary; I can keep a low profile. My folks have gotten the hint that asking about my relationship status is A Bad Idea, in any case.

Although I guess I am technically out to that sketchy guy who was hitting on me in the subway. I told him I was asexual, and that shut him up right quick. So feel trusted, AVENites: to you and to some random creep, I confide my secrets!

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I generally tell people if sexuality comes up in a discussion in a way that makes it make sense to mention it, but not otherwise.

My parents / relatives don't know because based on things my dad's said, if I told them he'd decide that I was gay but hiding it and then procede to yell at me for hiding it and set me up with a boyfriend.

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One good friend knows, and since she's heavily Catholic it's easy for her to relate since she wants to wait until marriage herself. But as to family.. mine can be rather narrow minded, so I'm avoiding it until I know how they'd react to the issue...

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I haven't "come out" to anyone (except here on AVEN), and at this stage I don't intend to.

If I was asked I would probably admit it but other than that I don't think it would come up. Although it's tempting to tell my Mum so she stops going on about getting married. :roll:

To be honest being asexual isn't really a defining aspect of my life. It's just another small facet of who I am.

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mixed... hell they dont even see it as a big deal as they didnt take it seriously :roll:

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  • 1 year later...

Ops, I vored second option by accident, I meant the third- my friends know, but not my family.

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