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Interview volunteers required - Being Asexual: How it is and how it is seen


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Hello all,

Rory Murphy wrote to us about a research project conducted with Dr Mike Murphy at the School of Applied Psychology in University College Cork in Ireland. The project is titled: "Being Asexual: How it is and how it is seen" and seeks to examine the lived experiences of asexuality as well as how asexual people believe asexuality is viewed by the wider community. Their work sets out to improve understanding of what it is like to live as an asexual person and how asexual people think others perceive their sexuality. They hope their findings could be beneficial both for support services and education.


Rory would like to recruit participants from the AVEN network. Participation will involve taking part in one interview which will last between 45 and 75 minutes. The interview will take place over video call and will be recorded before being transcribed verbatim. Participants will be given pseudonyms which will be used during analysis and publication. Confidentiality and anonymity will be prioritized throughout.

For more information please see this sheet.


The Project Team have carefully reviewed and approved this request. If you have any questions at all, please contact one of us.



(AVEN Project Team)

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Seems like a very big project

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Hi all, 


I am part of the research team for this project. We would be delighted to have some of you on board to take part in interviews. We think it could be a really impactful study and could be beneficial to education and support services.


We are strictly looking for people that are over 18 years of age, identify as asexual and experience no sexual attraction. 


If you have any questions about the study you can email me at 118402864@umail.ucc.ie. 


Hope to hear from you soon,

Rory Murphy

University College Cork

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Great, I'd like to take part. I just emailed you @rorymurphy but for some reason I got a notification that the email to 

12 minutes ago, rorymurphy said:


could not be sent "delivery failure"... is there any other way I can reach out to you? 


1 hour ago, michaeld said:


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