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Does asexual orientation change over time?


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I currently consider myself to be gray-homosexual, I guess? Or maybe aegeosexual or a combination...but I don't think 5 years ago I would have considered myself to be on the asexual scale/spectrum. How do I know that my sexual orientation has changed? It's just odd to me that I now have an aversion to sex that I didn't necessarily have in the past?


Can anyone give me some clarification? Do people fall on and off the spectrum? Could there be something else psychological going on? I am in no way implying that others on the asexual spectrum might have psychological issues. I have had a couple weird mental experiences that make me wonder if I have sexual trauma, but that's just me personally. Not meaning to invalidate anyone.

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It can. As time goes by, we realise new things, we have new experiences.

If you are referring to sexual trauma specifically, I've read that it can influence changes in sexuality, but overall it does not cause it.

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I’m rather with @CBC on this one. 

I think how we view our sexuality can change as we gain life experience and understand more about ourselves.


If your current experience with your sexuality is a marked change  it could be because of gaining more insight and better understanding how you feel about sex, or it is possible there could be an underlying reason that might be worth exploring with a professional if you suspect there could be a psychological or physical something at play 

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Personally I think sexuality can change, as it did with me, BUT at the same time it's because I came to know myself too. It's just hard for me to think of it like I somehow didn't realize my 'true' sexuality, it didn't feel like that. I just realized more things about me, and my sexuality shifted alongside.

That said, I think for most people it'll be something they realize and it won't necessarily change much. That seems to be common anyway.

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I don't think it changes.  I think people come to understand themselves better as time goes on, which is why it's not a good idea to decide to call yourselves "x" in your teens, or even 20s.  

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I don't think orientation changes,  we simply learn more about ourselves over time. However things like sex aversion (not an orientation) certainly do change over time for many people. For example, someone who is asexual but sex favorable may over time become so worn down over the demands of a sexual relationship that they may become actively sex averse or repulsed.

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