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How Hard is it for you to Say Sorry?


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Its considered one of the hardest things to do. 


Many skirt around doing it, altogether. 


IE I'm sorry you feel that way, which essentially puts the onus on how a person feels than what you have done wrong. 


Some psychologists state it is due to having to admit that you were not good enough at something  which could be damaging to one's confidence. 


Is it something you have also struggled with?


How hard is it for you to say sorry?

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I say sorry pretty easily, unless I genuinely believe I'm correct. Then I can give a fake apology if absolutely necessary. 🙃 I was taught to say sorry a lot as a kid, so.

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When I was younger I apologised too much, way too much. It made people respect me way less than others. Recently I read a book in German "Das Arroganzprinzip" and it was explained that it is something "horizontally communicating people" do all the time which irritates "vertically communicating people". What's bad about it is that most positions of middle-management up to the top are mostly held by "vertically communicating people".

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Oberon Jasper

Sorry is the most common world in my vocabulary. It's sincere usually too. Mostly (as my friend once said) I'm apologizing for my existence.

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I worry a lot about making mistakes or offending people, so I'll say sorry so often that I've said sorry for saying sorry too much.

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Oberon Jasper
10 minutes ago, MichaelTannock said:

I worry a lot about making mistakes or offending people, so I'll say sorry so often that I've said sorry for saying sorry too much.

I've done that too! It's so awkward when it happens.

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I've never had even the remotest difficultly saying sorry, either because I have actually done something wrong or a fake apology to get someone to leave me alone. I don't relate to people having difficultly with this... though I know a lot of people really struggle to admit they are wrong. Maybe it's a cultural thing? We English say sorry all the damn time.

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I say sorry way too often (people have already mentioned this to me). Almost all of the time, I genuinely mean it though.

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Lord Jade Cross

If I genuinely fuck up, it may be difficult. However that will largely hi get on what the issue is

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Not hard at all, as long as the "sorry" is justified, and it doesn't have to be entirely sincere.

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Knee jerk reaction levels, my bio dad must be Canadian.

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I say sorry all the times, to the point my supervisor got kind of annoyed with it once or twice (he was nice about it, don't think he got super mad 🤣). He told me to remember to stop saying sorry for every stupid things and that I should work on my insecurities. On the other hand, in a serious case, I sometimes am hesitant to say sorry if I feel the other part is not going to learn anything from the fight, though I know I may have been wrong as well. Is not that is hard for me to accept that I am wrong too, but the fact that the other person might not learn from it and continue with the same behavior.

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I have more trouble not saying it when I don't need to, as I have a lot of paranoia and guilty conscience. Looks like I'm not alone here, though!

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Purple Red Panda

I find it very easy but that is due to not healthy reasons.

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I am Canadian, so I apologize for everything. 


I had a typical Canadian moment where I bumped into someone, and we took turns apologizing. 


However, strike my pride and I would take death over showing any vulnerability.

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I can apologize if I think it's called for and I know the other person isn't too angry with me.

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I screw up so often that saying sorry happens all the time for me, is it hard to say? No not really, as I said, most of the time it's me who screwed up

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pretty difficult. 

i can't remember the last time i did apologize for something tbh. 

thinking about it makes me feel like either i havent done much to hurt people, or i havent picked up on the fact that i hurt them O_o

i feel like if i recognized that i hurt someone, i would be quick to apologize.

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If the facts are clear that I am in the wrong, or if I said something I later realize was uncalled for, then it's pretty easy. But sometimes people want you to apologize simply to exert a sense of superiority over you, regardless if any actual offense occurred. 

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19 minutes ago, Osiyo_Waya said:

If the facts are clear that I am in the wrong, or if I said something I later realize was uncalled for, then it's pretty easy...

Yep...same for me, too.


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It’s pretty easy for me to apologize, however, convincing me to adopt the point of view where I did something wrong may be challenging for most 😅 

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The longer it takes me to realize I'm in the wrong, the harder it is to apologize. If it's during the conversation/initial interaction, it's casual/nbd, and I'll sometimes apologize or thank a person too many times. If it's days afterwards, or weeks, I'll start over thinking it, and apologizing is significantly harder, because then I wonder if the other person realizes I in the wrong, if they'll think I'm weird for apologizing over something so small after so much time, if they hate me and they're waiting for me to apologize and not apologizing makes me look like an asshole, etc.

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If I can do this, then I can truly say I am sorry and mean it.




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Anarchist Kaos

I'm a very empathetic person, so it actually comes to me fairly easily, if I do something out of line I'll likely feel super bad about it later that day or immediately and I'll often give very heartfelt apologies, often even apologising again later if upon further analysis my original apology felt passive aggressive or insincere in any way, I'll also feel like shit for a long time afterwards even if the person accepts the apology.

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Ms. Carolynne

Small apologies for minor stuff I do all the time.


Larger apologies usually take some time as I want everyone (including myself) to cool down and process the situation.

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I sincerely apologize  when I believe I've hurt the person or caused inconvenience. If I don't want things to escalate I'd probably apologize. But for someone who apologizes a lot (and maybe too much), I have a pretty high pride (which might or might not be a good thing).

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Depends on the situation. If I truly believe I have done nothing wrong then I am not likely to say sorry but if I can understand see the wrong I have accidentally performed then I am more likely to apologize for it.

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Saying sorry is easy. Saying sorry sincerely is much more difficult. Personally the only word I find harder to say sincerely is "goodbye" when you may never see that person again 

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