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Not sure what to do with my life right now


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 Hi! I've been questioning myself about my sexuality for some years now and just now i got into terms with it. All of my teens i've identified as alo (first as a lesbians because i get along better with girls and later as bisexual because my 0 atraction toward girls + my 0 atraction toward boys= equal). But now that i've come out as aro/Ace, i am kind of insecure about my future right now. I mean, i not going to find 'the one' to have kids with and settle down. My friends are now planning marriage and having kids, and i fear that they will not have so much time to spend with me. I have some ace/aros friends, but i not sooo close to them. I'm very needy, so i don't wanna be alone; but i am not sure if i want a queer aro relationship either, anyone feeling like this? Anyway, all of this is very new and confusing, and i hope that thid fórum can help me figure out what i want. 

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You're not alone in not wanting to get abandoned by your friends! I can't speak for Brasil, but I think experiencing fomo on relationships is to be expected when societies put relationships in so many forms of entertainment and media... I mean, even action movies usually have a romantic sub plot; kids' shows often have a main love interest, etc. 

I've had that feeling of wanting someone to spend time with me too. It comes and goes, but right now I'd really rather adopt a dog than enter a relationship, tbh.

If its any help, I like to join my friends for weekly hang outs when I can! Even if its just online. Video chats, group chats, and online games help me feel connected when I can't be around them!

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Welcome :) 🍰

I hope this forum will help you on your journey! I've only been here for a few weeks but I've definitely learned a lot from talking to people and reading about others' experiences.

(by the way, is your username a Marina and the Diamonds reference?) 

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Welcome! Whilst finding people who won’t cut others off once they get in a relationship is annoyingly difficult sometimes, it means that the people you do find value your friendship more and are more likely to be willing to go out and do things with you. Plus you could try making aro friends as they value friendships a lot so they’re more likely to want to spend more time together. 


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  • 2 months later...

A very belated welcome to AVEN!


A queerplatonic relationship can be as intimate as you want, so I'd say explore that.


There's also a cute form you can one.



It's a tradition to welcome new members by offering cake, and even though I'm so late welcoming you, here are some "Sea Rock Mandala" cakes,


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