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Gray / Allo? Is that common?


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I'm very new to this site and to discovering who I am as person (despite my nearly 50-years), so as I read through what the different terms equate to I find myself nodding my head the most with being Graysexual and Alloromantic, but if I search online for those terms together it feels like an unusual combination... Gray/Aro seems to be much more common. Am I wrong in thinking this way? Am I just too new to understanding myself and these identifiers don't really go together so perhaps I am something else entirely and misidentifying myself?

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It's not unusual. People's romantic and sexual orientations don't always line up, e.g they could be aromantic and sexual, or greyromantic and asexual, etc., so it's normal if you feel you identify with differing ones.

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I don't think it's a weird combination at all. I'm graysexual and fully romantic :D
I've seen much more asexuals who're aro than graysexuals, though I don't know everyone who's gray on the site XD

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I was around 55 when I found out about AVEN (almost 16 years ago), and to be honest I still haven't figured out where I am on the spectrum. You may or may not figure it out, but don't worry, AVEN is a great place to talk to others and sort through the options. Hope you enjoy it here as much as I do :) 

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