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Asexuality: Identity, Discrimination, Research and Community


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So, I've been working on this spreadsheet for a while now, since asexuality and asexuals are usually discredited and/or ignored in many aspects. This includes academic articles, books and studies as well as anecdotes from asexuals from many different dates, as far back as 1896 on topics of the asexual community, acephobia, etc.! There are also a few things that also touch on Aromantic and AroAce people (though I think I will do a separate document for Aromanticism as I personally like to have separate aromantic specific sources to read as an aro). 


If you have anything else that you think I should add, please let me know and I will take a look. 


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Edit: just made an Aromanticism version here

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In my culture/religion, teenagers who masturbate are believed to have problems with marriage or relationships later on in life because the masturbation blocks the libido from being directed to a person. I guess a kind of "cure" to asexuality. I have personally tested this theory and failed. Hence, I am naturally not directed towards anybody. Hence Asexual and queer, because society frowns upon this.

Culturally, women are expected to get married to someone respected and/rich and make their parents proud. Women who cannot achieve that, or rejected by the husband because they cannot make him happy are frowned upon. They are frowned upon for not trying hard enough to keep the father of their child and thus considered they did harm to the child. As if my ability to sexually satisfy the father is tied to his fatherhood rather than the genetic connection. Thus I am a single Asexual mum who drove away the father of her baby due to lack of sex. I am Ethiopian, Asexual and Queer!!!

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Hi @DoubleATripleA - if you are interested in research, you may also be interested in the ace bibliography project! https://www.zotero.org/groups/950137/asexual_research?


It has a ton of citations for asexual research papers if you want to sift through and see if any look like something you might want to add to your lists.

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