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What's exactly meant by "queerplatonic attraction"?

Valentine Loren

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Valentine Loren

And how can I know if I experience it?

Is it smth between romantic and platonic attraction?

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Galactic Turtle

Everyone defines it differently. Like... literally, everyone. 


Lots of people put it in the "more than" friends "less than" romance classification with their "queerplatonic partner" sort of blurring the lines with physical intimacy and emotional dependency which would make most people  on the outside probably think of it like a "nontraditional romance."


For me I wouldn't describe attraction as "queerplatonic," there are simply people who I feel for platonically who I could see being a great fit for partnership with myself. In this instance, should they think of me in the same way, we would enter into a "platonic partnership." Like I know I would work really well with friend A or friend B but I wouldn't even entertain the idea of a partnership with friends C-F. 

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A queerplatonic relationship is generally defined as a platonic relationship that has the same intensity as your average romantic relationship. So could be friends living together, sometimes even raising kids together. Something like that.


Not sure how to define queerplatonic attraction though. Maybe it's for those of us who can't tell the difference between romantic and platonic attraction (quoiromantics) or maybe it's an alternative for 'alterous?'

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I don't think queerplatonic describes a type of attraction. I think it describes a type of relationship that's a friendship leading to highly integrated lives in a nearly monogamous way (like roommates morphing into life partners).



I think alterous attraction (as Laurann mentioned) is a better term that is less likely to cause confusion or diminish established queerplatonic relationships as something as potentially fleeting as an intense admiration/desire for friendship.

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