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Hi everyone! 👋


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Hi! I have known I was aro ace for a little less than a year now. Sometimes I’m ok with who I am but more often than not I feel ashamed, alone, different and not normal. It feels terrible when everyone around me is interested in sex, romance and dating when I don’t picture myself having a romantic relationship. I have gotten very tired of hiding my sexuality from almost everyone I know, except for one friend. Sometimes I’m not sure why I don’t tell some people that would most likely have a positive reaction, but telling people who you are is terrifying. I was thinking of doing a coming out post on my Instagram for pride month except I don’t feel ready to have the conversation with my parents, and I’m not a very popular person so not a lot of people would see it. My hope would be that I can be open about sexuality, and make aces and aros more visible. I also came on here so I can finally interact with people who are like me and so I have a place where I can be myself.

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Hi Caliway! 

I only joined yesterday myself after coming out to my husband two days ago,  but I can honestly say that having spent only a few hours on AVEN, I already feel so much relief at finding people like me, who are so open and welcoming and I can finally open up about who I really am. I hope you find it the same! 
Also, it’s customary to give cane to a newbie, so here’s a slice from one newbie to another! 

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Welcome Caliway, glad you found it. I also recently joined and find the information very helpful to understand myself better. People here are very open and welcoming I find.🎂🍰

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Purple Red Panda
16 hours ago, Caliway said:

I also came on here so I can finally interact with people who are like me and so I have a place where I can be myself.

I did the exact same thing. Remember how and when you come out to other people is entirely up to you, there is no right or wrong way to do it other than what is right for you 💜

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Welcome! Yeah we’re all in this together :D 


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A belated welcome to AVEN!


When you're ready to come out, this might help: http://www.whatisasexuality.com/family-and-friends/parents/


Incidentally, it is a tradition here to welcome new members by offering cake, and here's a "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" cake (all edible),



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