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Where can I go to volunteer?


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Okay, so I'm starting to think that maybe now isn't the best time considering the Coronavirus pandemic, but let's ignore that for a second. Where exactly could I go to volunteer for the specific purpose of writing opinions on and encouraging awareness and education on asexuality?


Writing is something I'm really fond of doing and discussion of asexuality also happens to be a favorite pastime of mine. I'm also a big fan of music and I wouldn't mind doing any kind of music analysis-type stuff either. There are definitely asexual songs out there.

Would anyone know where I could actively engage in these things?


I also tried Asexual Outreach. I connected to someone who was supposed to be the volunteer coordinator, but he said he wasn't and was kinda rude to me on the phone. I don't think they exist anymore and they just didn't shut down the phone lines and only put random numbers there.

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Hey @AceWing,

Interesting you mention the COVID-19 outbreak (well, it IS on everyone's minds at the moment). I think it actually makes certain kinds of ace activism/outreach more important than ever, but perhaps not in the traditional way.


What I mean is that there is a great demand at a time like this for online and virtual resources to replace in-person activities. There are a lot of very vulnerable people in our community, many of whom are now more isolated than ever. We need to figure out the best way of supporting people virtually. I'm thinking out loud here because I really don't have all the answers.


Some local meetup groups are switching over to virtual meets. I think it would be great to encourage more of that and perhaps set up our own international one. Discord is one possible venue though it has its problems. I'd be interested to know of others people can suggest.


Another opportunity - since many people will be sitting at home, it's a great time to develop ace resources.


These are just some thoughts I have. I wonder if we should make a skype meeting or something with everyone interested to discuss possibilities.... Thanks for the question!


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