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Fun Covid-19 Solutions


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On 3/23/2020 at 10:59 AM, Unleash the Echidnas said:

In 2016, Louie Terrill suggested halting the Earth's rotation as a way of making certain physics experiments easier to conduct. For those who've not watched the linked video, the key components of Louie's proposal are

  • Carefully bombard the Earth with asteroids to stop its spin.
  • Recognize removal of centripetal force causes the Earth to become more spherical, resulting in large rises in sea level all around the equator that reconfigure planetary geography.
  • Accept that violent winds will flow from the hot side of the planet facing the sun to the cold side.

I would like to suggest the recent evolution of SARS-CoV-2 adds several benefits to pursuing Louie's proposal beyond better experimental physics.

  • The steep reduction in the human host population greatly reduces opportunity for community spread. Extirpation of most wildlife species removes wildtype reservoirs, essentially eliminating potential zoonotic retransmission.
  • Physically isolates the northern and southern hemispheres from each other. Since the equator is the most efficient location for landing asteroids, no one will want to get close to it due to the massive tidal waves which hurtle round the planet after each new asteroid comes in.
  • Makes aircraft and ships impractical due to huge storms and other extreme weather phenomena, preventing viral translocation from tourism, business travel, conferences, and so on.

Additionally, daytime temperatures on the hot side of Earth will exceed the 70°C threshold where RNA denatures for months, essentially killing betacoronaviruses by melting them. This ensures nearly all of planetary surface will receive a superbly thorough deep cleaning every year without anyone having to do any work.

This is the only plan I'm interested in, I'm accepting no further recommendations.

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Divide By Zero

Let's ask one of the Internet security companies like McAfee or Norton to develop a virus removal software program that gets rid of COVID-19  :P

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