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I hate being a closeted ace. I want to tell my family, but I don't know if they'll accept it. Any advice?

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The only advice I have is what you're doing; reaching on in communities online. I'm not out to anyone IRL, but I get a lot from participating in groups and online communities. It is enough.

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I appreciate your advice. Thank you. But it's like... I think I might want to go to pride events. I don't want questions from my family about why I'd go if I'm straight. Being ace, I'm not straight. And I hate lying to my family. And truthfully, I'm proud to be ace. Part of me wants to be openly ace, but it's just... so difficult.

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I went on my first Pride march last year as an ace. It was the most affirming, memorable, beautiful & one of the happiest moments in my life so far. Yet, I am not completely "out" to everyone. 


I 100% recommend you attending the next Pride march in your area with other local aces. It's SO lovely sharing that history with others like yourself. Coming out doesn't happen all at once- that is terrifying. It happens bit by bit & over & over again depending on who you choose to disclose to. 


Not the easiest of journeys but you're in great company. ^_^

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I can't drive yet. And I'm not out to my parents yet, and I don't know how they'll take it. I wanna go this year, but this year, I don't know if I'll have a way to get there.

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For me, part of what feels problematic about being "openly ace" is that it's something quite invisible, so it's hard to make asexuality "visible" in a way. Like, if I was homosexual and dated someone then obviously I'd be out in a way that is visible to others. But when it's rather something that's lacking, it's harder to just bring up. also considering that many don't even know it's a thing.

So no, my family doesn't know I'm ace. I have told friends, which means it's just easier to take part in discussions about relationship and sexuality with them, but with new people I don't always feel like doing the separate comment on my personal sexuality since no one else is talking about themselves, rather sexuality in general or whatever the subject happens to be.

not sure if this comment helped at all, but I'd maybe start by talking with friends. and then maybe talking with your family. I don't see why they wouldn't accept you for you, but I can see how they'd not understand what it's all about, or maybe think that it's just about not having met the right person or whatever. 

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1 hour ago, ProbablyAsleep said:

I can't drive yet. And I'm not out to my parents yet, and I don't know how they'll take it. I wanna go this year, but this year, I don't know if I'll have a way to get there.

Hey, I'm dealing with a lot of the same: I'm not out to anyone, I can't drive so going to pride events is... difficult, and I don't know how (or even if) I can tell my family about this. 


For now, do you have any LGBT+ friends who could either provide transportation to pride events (which is what I'm planning to do) or be a "reason" to go to those events? As far as coming out, I've been doing it little by little - saying stuff like I'm not into anybody and I don't see myself being in that sort of relationship any time soon -  and get them used to the idea of my asexuality without outright telling them.

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Could you say you're going to support a friend? Or that what pride stands for is meaningful to you as a human being?

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Welcome! Yeah maybe you could find a friend who would go with you and be supportive / not ask too many questions and tell them that you want to support them. Be warned some smarter parents may see through this will ask if you’re gay. 


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  • 2 months later...

Thank you guys so much, sorry I was gone for so long, lol. It seems like a lot of pride stuff will be cancelled this year, so I won't have to worry about it this year. Hopefully I'll be able to drive next year and can go myself. Thank you all so much for your support!!

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