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Ummm Hi?


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Hello all,


So I came out as ace a few years ago and I received mixed responses, they vary from "oh you're just fussy" to " you're not emotionally mature enough to know for sure" ( I was 14 when I came out) and the weirdest and most probably most hillarious one was from a bunch of girls in my class who didn't know what asexuality was and asked " is it something to do with animals?" No word of a lie. I don't really have anyone to talk to about this stuff since everyone I know is not well versed in this department and I figured this is the best place to talk, I've felt like the odd one out for so long and I'm so tired of it. I just don't want to feel like I'm broken because I don't want to do certain things, I also need a place to vent out and feel heard.


So yeah,  you don't have to respond if you don't want to, I just needed a place to not feel alone. Thanks 😊

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Welcome ;)

You'll get along with people here, don't worry. 14 is pretty young, but if you still feel the same after those years, that's not a bad indicator, plus plenty here can relate,and you'll have a place to talk about this stuff :)

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Guest xAveryx
30 minutes ago, Jypsy said:

I don't really have anyone to talk to about this stuff since everyone I know is not well versed in this department and I figured this is the best place to talk, I've felt like the odd one out for so long and I'm so tired of it

Same goes for me. I feel like asexuality and the whole spectrum are seriously overlooked by everyone, even the lgbtqi+.

Nobody seems to know anything about it and people just think that you would hate sex if you were asexual.

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Welcome! Yeah here’s a great place to vent about this sort of thing. It’s really validating when someone else gets it, and knows how it feels. Plus there’s some pretty decent advice on helping deal with it too :) 


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