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I want a romantic relationship but nothing sexual

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I’m currently in a relationship but I feel no need to engage in sex with my partner AT ALL. I really enjoy being with the person and enjoy all the cuddles and kisses and conversation, but the only time I’ve ever been able to engage in sexual activities is when it’s without a partner. I have experienced arousal but not caused by a person and I didn’t feel a need to act upon that arousal with a partner. I feel as if there’s something wrong with me because my roommate is the complete opposite, having a very high sex drive. I don’t feel as if I’m missing out on anything because honestly the thought of sex is disgusting to me. I don’t think of it as fun or entertaining, I just think of gross bodies and genitalia rubbing against each other. I realize that’s not how sex works but all of it is disgusting to me. I stumbled upon the definition for asexual and then found this forum hoping to find some answers. I love a romantic relationship and creating bonds with people regardless of gender or how they may identify. I just haven’t ever felt the need or want to have sex with anyone. If anyone can help me figure this out or point me in the direction of resources it would be much appreciated! I’m just very confused...

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hi ;)

Well, enjoy yourself with what you know, with the bonds, and it's ok to put the rest aside. I will say though that sex is not disgusting 😄 But it is to you, and it may stay that way, or it may change if you ever meet someone that makes you feel differently about it. To me sex repulsion is not the same as asexuality. But you can definitely be both, and there's plenty of asexuals who are. It helps to embrace the label and focus on what you like most, and accept and respect yourself. I'm sure you're finding some of that out :)

Welcome around ❤️

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