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Squish or crush?


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I have just read about "alterous attraction" and this is how I feel about one guy. I can't really definine if it is crush or squish. I like him for his dark sense of humour and his sarcasm and also for that he isn't loud extravert (and that's the plus. It's not that I hate extraverts or something, I just prefere to be around people who are similar to me). I feel it would be super nice to hang out with him as close friends, but it also nice to imagine him as boyfriend and when we hug and hold hands and kiss (but only in forehead or cheeks) and talk on every subject. And I have literally no idea how to call it. 

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I also experience alterous attraction. The way I describe it is I would date the person, but I would not feel like doing stereotypically romantic stuff (staring into their eyes for hours, buying them flowers, etc). For context, I experience romantic attraction very intensely so definitely would do romantic stuff with someone I had a crush on. I believe an alterous crush is called a mesh, but I’ve never met anyone who used this term.

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Pinball Wizard

Never heard of that before, but now that I google it, that makes sense for myself anyway. I thought about a QPR type relationship but something about it isn't quite clicking, maybe because it's not ambiguous enough haha. :)

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Janus the Fox

Alterous is how id explain my own relationship, if there's nothing else going on, not explainable by other attractions.  I like to use that description as a catch all and in absence of other attractions.

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