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Do the labels fit?


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Hi. I think that sometimes it's hard to 'really' describe how someone is. We're unique and diverse, so I wonder if we can totally fit in just one or a few labels..

I put the labels I thought fit me most in my profile finally, but I'm not entirely sure. There's a time in my life I felt I was asexual. Then I was sexual and did have sexual attraction. Since the last while, and being on hormones, I don't really care for sex, especially for itself, and I'm so much more interested in romance(&love) and sensuality. But it wouldn't be impossible for me to try to stir myself up and 'get into' sexuality, but it could be hard unless there's enough of something to bridge me there, like, most importantly, the romance and affection that I am attracted to. I don't know if I'd say that I'm attracted to someone for those reasons, but they would grow if I like someone.

I'm aesthetically and sensually attracted to women, while I'm emotionally & romantically attracted to both men and women. But for possibly different reasons. With men, it would be about feeling the unique dynamic, me being feminine  and being cared for along that way, and it could possibly lead to sex whether penetrative or something that goes along the dynamic, if I've 'gotten there' romantically or whatever would work, while with women there's something more mutual, if that makes sense (but definitely deep), and it would be so much more tender, affectionate, and any sex would probably bridge from there, most likely very slow and tender, the more full of love, the better. It might not even matter to reach any orgasm (and even might not be wanted unless drawn towards that in loving/affectionate sensuality), I do like sensuality. Deeper connection and care is definitely one of the most important things to me.

So, what do you make of that? How do I put that in labels? :P
(Seems simpler to use the ones I put, but I don't know if they totally fit.)

I'll add, for yourself, do you think the labels you found fit well?

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