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Glass house, stones...


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My roommate has the bad habit of blaming everything on me when things go wrong around the house. Well, I learned to take his abuse in stride instead of taking everything as a personal assault.


He gets after me for being a slob, yet I’ve never had a problem with food being left out to go bad until he moved in.


When something needed to be fixed around the house, I taught myself how to fix it. Not my roommate! His answer to things around the house that need fixing: hire someone else to do it. Only one little problem there, he never has enough money for that. Truth be told, he’s not much of a do-it-yourselfer. I’ve seen his so called repairs, and honestly any sixth grader could probably do better work.


The world will end if I don’t get the place cleaned up THIS INSTANT. Yet it’s ok for him to go out with his clingy, spoiled gf whenever the mood hits them. However, I’ve found a not-so-subtle way to remind him he needs to practice what he preaches: I clean up my own messes, and assemble his disorganized containers of stuff into stacks where you can’t help but notice them, and they’re eyesores.


His aforementioned habit of ducking out with his gf is bad enough, but he also has the temerity to tell me that my jewelry and metalworking will never make money (they already have, so that prediction = fail). Instead, he seems to think money will magically drop from the sky once I empty the house and property of everything I own.


It’s pretty clear to me now that my roommate is very narrow-minded and doesn’t respect pragmatism, much less ingenuity. When presented with a problem, my first reaction is to figure out a way to solve it. Makes sense, right? Not to my roommate! His reaction is to panic and blow the problem out of proportion so much that someone else eventually steps in and fixes it, if only to shut him up.


The world, by the way, has not ended.

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I don’t know how people with roommates keep their sanity. I’d probably end up in prison if I had a roommate like the ones in some of the stories I’ve heard.

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1 hour ago, CajunAce said:

wow, he sounds like a real tool. 

Well, to put it one way: he’s the best-educated dummy I know personally.

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Ugh, sounds like there's a lot of passive aggression, and that'll wear on anyone after a while even if you've got a handle on it. I hope you get out of it soon (and get a better roommate if you need one).

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at least the world makes perfect sense within our own heads. did you want to be pragmatic, as you say, about your situation, or are you just writing to gripe?

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