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Pan... Maybe?

Myra Ren

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Honestly I don't really understand crushes but I kinda do? Is there such thing as pan ace mix?

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Yeah you can be panromantic and asexual if you do experience romantic attraction but not sexual attraction.

If you don't experience romantic attraction, you could call yourself aromantic.

If you only experience a very low level of fleeting romantic attraction, you could call yourself gray-panromantic.

If you can't distinguish between romantic attraction and liking someone as a friend, you could look into the term 'wtfromantic/quoiromantic.'

There's also the term 'alterous attraction' for an attraction that is neither strictly romantic nor strictly platonic.


You could Google these terms and see if any of them resonate with you. I hope you find what you are looking for :) 

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This caught my eye because literally me.

I'm in a relationship, my boyfriend is also ace, (thank the gods, less awkward for me), but I've literally only had three crushes in my 16 years of existence, and he's one of them.

I've always questioned if i was pansexual or aromantic, which is kind of a jump, but gender doesn't factor in for me apparently, but I also find any kind romantic thing hard to understand. In the end I've decided, whelp who cares.


Anyway, after that monologue, what I wanted to say is ignore the part about crushes, do you envision yourself in a relationship with anyone? Could you see that romantic relationships being a tangible thing that would make you happy? If you haven't already, I'd definitely follow @Lauranns advice, they sound like they know exactly whats going on, and googling is sometimes surprisingly fruitful. I sincerely hope this helps, but if it doesn't I wish you all the best in your endeavours🤗

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As a panromantic ace person myself, you sound like you might be some type of grayromantic. I'd look into the labels @Laurann suggested and see if any of them fit.

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