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My partner and I want to have kids in the future. Adoption would be our preferred option, but the stresses that @Lockylocks mentioned are my main concerns for hesitation. We'll see when he and I are in a more stable situation where kids is something we can be responsible about (we both want to have stable jobs and finish our education). 


Honestly, I don't know why I want kids. I think the first year or so is completely unappealing and full of diaper changes, nonsense speak, tantrums, not sleeping, etc. etc. I've told this to people who legitimately said I was heartless or missing out on the best moments in a child's life, but whatever. Newborns and babies are gross, and I don't like looking at pictures of newborns because I legitimately think most are ugly (people have told me it would be different for my own kids, but whatever). I like them basically after they're toilet trained and capable of thought past immediate desires with the inability to verbalize those desires. 


On top of that, pregnancy sounds like the absolute worst. Being treated like an invalid, experiencing pain when the baby kicks the wrong place, having to get a new wardrobe, food cravings and mood swings, on top of I just don't think pregnant women are all that attractive. I don't see how a giant belly is visually appealing unless you have a kink for that. Also how horribly it can fuck up your body... 


But there's still something desirable about having a small human I can raise and love. I love my pets, but it's not the same. 

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45 minutes ago, Sewing_shadows said:

Love and light to you. If you are healing from an abusive situation, generations behind you and generations beyond you thank you for the hard work you’re doing to break the cycle and heal. Children certainly have a way of being a bright spot when it’s needed. 

Thank you very much. 

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everywhere and nowhere

I have never, not even for a minute, wanted to be a parent.

By the way, I just hate the word "kids". "Children" only in my use of English.

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