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Found Out Im Lithromantic


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So uhh, i just got into a new school and i started to like this girl, i ended up being apart of her squad. I liked her soo much to the point that when we held hands, my heart fluttered and her existence just made me nervous. The second week we met each other, her friends were teasing her about liking me (she rarely develops crushes) and i felt happier as my feelings were getting returned. She then started to hit me up on instagram and we became closer, flirting with each other and stuff. We hold hands every time we're with eachother. After a few weeks, she was showing off signs that she's gonna confess like those situations where she says "hey.. i got to tell you something.... nvm"  and there was one time she said "i'd date you" and my dumbass said "wait.. y'all were gay? i thought we were just joking" because both of us were girls (she knows im pansexual). but those days were the times i tried my best to not make her confess as from my past experiences, i just ended up losing feelings for them. but she confessed a day after and i couldn't reject her... im shitty. I still havent told her what do i do?

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