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Advice on how to tell squishes and crushes apart.


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I think I have either a crush or a squish on my friend, but I'm struggling to figure out which, the line between the two just seems so blurry. The only advice I could really find for distinguishing between the two is what you want to do with said person but that really doesn't feel helpful as what i'd like in theory isn't necessary what I'd like in practice and since it's been so long since I've seen them it makes it harder to separate what I'd actually like from what I just think I like.


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As far as I understand, crush is romantic and squish is not. I think it would be considered a crush if you desire to be in a relationship with them.

I can understand and relate to having trouble figuring out what I'd like in theory vs. practice. Sometimes the lines can be pretty blurred since feelings are not always clear and work differently for different people.

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8 minutes ago, Veezle said:

I think it would be considered a crush if you desire to be in a relationship with them.

See, that confuses me cause there are other reasons why someone might not want to be in a relationship outside of feelings

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Yeah, but even if you *dont* desire a relationship in this case, you still intrinsically do. I imagine that defining romantic attraction is a bit like defining sexual attraction.

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