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How to Convey the Nuance Effectively?


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How does the community quickly communicate the nuance involved with figuring out if the Ace/Aro label suits your identity? It's much more straightforward to explain "Attracted to the opposite sex? You're likely gay/bi/etc." than it is to say "Not attracted to anyone? You might be Ace... or possibly not, it's hard to 100% confirm"
For instance, my own experience has been a bit of a roller-coaster: just when I was finally feeling OK with the idea that not feeling attracted to anyone in 8 years without a medical reason probably meant I was Aro/Ace, I started falling for someone new faster than I thought possible. I understand how damaging phrases like "You just haven't found the right person yet" can feel, but it turned out to be true for me. I don't want to tread on anyone's aro/ace identity with a phrase like that, but I also wouldn't want another Me missing out on those feelings.
How do I help to promote the wide spectrum of aro/ace efficiently and unequivocally, while also conveying that some level of self-doubt or reevaluation can come with the territory?


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People should just be open to the possibility that whatever they think they know might someday change. 


Imagine if you picked a belief and held it no matter how much evidence to the contrary came out later. It wouldn't have been silly to believe it in the first place, but it might start to be if you cling to it and refuse to entertain the notion of change.


Likewise, saying you are aro or ace if you feel that way is perfectly fine. And later, if you feel you're more demi, you take on that label instead. And if you change your mind, you go back!


If you're looking to promote asexuality, just tell people it's one option and that they should just live their best life regardless of what labels may fit them at one point in their life.

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