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But, what is evil?


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This is another one that kills me. Yeah, there's no objective good and evil but everyone knows what evil is by human standards. Every single human on this earth knows it probably from birth. As many have touched on, it's allowing harm to come to sentient beings when you could do otherwise without causing greater harm in the process. As @Pandark mentioned, the banality of evil covers this in ways most people try to discount because people try to weasel out of it by denying control and responsibility for their actions. They do this because they are evil but don't want to believe it or have others call them on it. Even though they already know they are evil. Another way people try to weasel out is arguing about what harm is. When everyone knows what harm is. Most people fall into this category by default because they eat animals. Carnivores know they are evil but make excuses.

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Hmm to be honest, I think a lot about the difference between evil and sheer stupidity. People don't seem to be evil in that they aren't setting out to wreck lives and start shit. Typically, they are just idiots who think that they are completely right and justified, and this confidence leads them to ignore opposition and seek power so they can continue to do that they think is right. I kinda wish we had more truly evil people out there rather than just a bunch of people blinded by ignorance, it would make it more black and white.

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Good and evil, ethics, they're social constructs. Suffering and the laws of causality are not.


On 8/24/2019 at 3:04 PM, DarkStormyKnight said:

they are just idiots who think that they are completely right and justified

There is one problem here. Stupidity indeed makes false assumptions, but it does not assume it is right. The latter is vanity or false ego, which we all have to some extent.


On 8/24/2019 at 3:04 PM, DarkStormyKnight said:

I kinda wish we had more truly evil people out there rather than just a bunch of people blinded by ignorance, it would make it more black and white.

When evil is openly violent, it is easy to recognize. But it mostly isn't. Many people may agree that what humanity as a whole is doing to the earth is causing suffering and is perhaps evil. But the whole chain of events is divided into tiny portions, for each of which a different individual is responsible. Every small step by itself seems relatively harmless, which is why it is so easy to remain complacent. Even if some actions are by themselves destructive, the people responsible serve a higher authority and thus feel the higher-ups are responsible for their actions, they're simply carrying out orders as any loyal servant would. This is why disasters like the holocaust occur.

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Evil = Brexit, Boris Johnson, Donald Trump 

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Evil to me is when your body decides to make you resistant to almost every OTC NSAIDs or any attempts to numb pain.

Then that means there is a possiblity of a migraine or sore kneecaps that can go on for days on end and there's hardly anything you can do about it really.


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1 hour ago, SkyenAutowegCaptain said:

Evil = Brexit, Boris Johnson, Donald Trump 

Well, I can't argue with that!

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