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I can’t figure out if I am asexual or gray-a

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Hello there,


For quite some time I thought I was gray-a because even though I relate to most of the asexual traits, I would still like to have sex with girls I develop a deeper connection with, along with trust and close friendships and stuff like that (I can only feel a connection with one person at a time btw). However, I was thinking recently about this with my current love interest (we are not in a relationship, we are just very close friends) and I realized that even though I would like to have sex with them, I don’t feel the need to. Like it is more of a rational thought (she looks good, I love her in some way, It would feel special etc) than a need/urge. Also, since she doesn’t want a sexual relationship with me, I don’t feel frustrated about this and she even talks to me sometimes about her sexual experiences and I don’t think “damn wish I could have sex with her too”. However, if she told me something like “we can have sex if you want”, I would want to, but if she told me “we can have a romantic relationship, but without ever having sex or sex related activities” I would be ok with it, without ever feeling a need to have sex with her or feeling frustrated that we don’t have sex.


Moreover, I figure that being gray-a would mean that I would feel towards her (in a sexual context) as sexual guys feel towards random girls they find atractive, but I don’t really believe I feel that way.


I would be glad if you could offer some advice or opinions on this, that would make me understand wether I am asexual or gray-a. 


Thank you!



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Grey-Ace Ventura

I agree with @3Xi3X


You might be demisexual which would explain the part about wanting to have sex with girls you have a deep connection with. I don't think the fact that you'd be okay without sex necessarily makes you completely ace.

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I considered demisexuality, but my confusion stems from the fact that the sexual attraction I would feel if I were a demisexual should make me want to act on it and it would be a matter of me deciding wether to try and act on it or not. However, there’s no feeling inside me that I am acting against. Like if I were sexually attracted to her, but she doesn’t want to have sex with me, I should feel like I am abstaining from my feelings. But I feel nothing to abstain from.

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To put it a little bit more into perspective, I feel romantically attracted to her and I feel like hugging her or cuddling with her and stuff like that, but I abstain from that, because she wouldn’t be ok with it. However, regarding the sexual aspect, I don’t feel like doing something 

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Grey-Ace Ventura

Ahh, I see. In that case it sounds more like demiromantic? And maybe sex-indifferent asexual?

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Maybe not quite what you’re experiencing but this thread might help you work yourself out. I was roughly in the same place as you when I was working out my orientation and this thread helped me immensely:



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