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Its okay to be ace

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Its okay to be ace

What label refers to someone who is medium and in the middle when it comes to gender they don't want to be too feminine and they don't want to be too masculine

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Its okay to be ace

Yet are ok with people calling them according to the gender assigned at birth.

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Its okay to be ace

What is that?  I did some reading and I'm wondering if it would match nutrosis and cisgender. I basically feel like I don't want to overdo the genders and just be balanced somewhere in the middle but I do identify as a girl which is my gender from birth but I don't like too much pink. As a kid I like to play with Legos and toy cars and play in the mud but I also like to play with my Barbies I don't wear dresses too often or put makeup on very often and I tend to like to dress in a gender-neutral way t shirt and jogging pants with gender neutral colors but every now and then I may wear some pink but not too often

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Keep in mind that wearing certain colors, playing with certain toys, and what you wear are a part of gender expression (or just liking/disliking things!), not necessarily a part of your gender identity. : ) From what you explain, androgyne might fit if you feel somewhere in the middle. I identified as such for a few years, until recently when I began questioning again. But it is an identity where you feel both masculine and feminine genders, sometimes in equal amounts, or slightly towards one. Like in your case, you're fine with being referred to as female etc. Either one of these might seem to fit:

  • femandrogyne - (feminine androgyne) an androgyne who feels more feminine than masculine
  • neutrandrogyne (neutral androgyne) - an androgyne who might feel a relatively even mixture of femininity and masculinity, or even none at all

But it's totally up to you. There's nothing wrong with being cis-female but being "meh" or neutral about it, like not overdoing it. Take your time thinking on things.

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Maybe look into cis-genderless? That's when you don't feel like any gender in particular, but don't experience dysphoria and identify with your assigned gender for convenience. And @kelico is right---gender expression doesn't equal gender identity.

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