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BuzzFeed article on queer fluidity, labels


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I found this to be a very interesting article on sexual fluidity and how we label ourselves. This acticle makes one ponder the history of our modern sexuality labels and how much weight/validity they should actually hold in society.

Quotes mentioning asexuality [emphasis mine]:


"But 50 years after the Stonewall riots that kick-started the gay liberation movement, young queer people are expressing a new openness to identifying with more fluid sexuality labels like “queer” — or with no label at all. As more research has found wide variability in how people experience their desires, and as bisexual, asexual, and pansexual activists have challenged the binary model of attraction, the notion of a fixed, inborn sexuality is ripe for revision."



"In the US, the popular understanding of sexuality is that it develops from a young age and becomes solidified as a person grows older. “Gay” and “straight” are treated as the default categories, while bisexuality and the overarching umbrella of asexuality are repeatedly ignored."


"Not All Queer People Feel Like They Were “Born This Way”, BuzzFeed News, (June 11, 2019)

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