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Grey Asexual denialism videos.


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Never seen a video targetting grey aces directly but I have faced discrimination and erasure for being grey ace online and in person before. This was recommended to me on youtube with a person giving reasons why they believe grey aces do not exist and states that they believe they are stealing resources from people who are genuinely ace which is similar to the belief that aces are stealing resources from people who are LGBT (they also say that they believe that asexuality is a disorder). They also believe the ace flag is just for grey aces. Strong and hateful language in this video. If this post violates the ToS take it down.


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*sighs deeply*

Another symptom of the Oppression Contest Syndrome afflicting this community.

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Slice of Ace

I haven't watched the video yet, but it sounds awful...


I'm planning to bring some other ace spec folks onto Slice of Ace to tell their stories in the future, so hopefully I should be able to get some good grey ace representation out there!

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I don't watch anyone on Youtube anymore besides John Oliver (my spirit animal, he can do no wrong knock on wood). There's no much hate and radicalization and YouTubers seem to just pick random targets and tear them to shreds or spout obscenities. Even ones that seem okay turn rotten, and there's just the plain rotten ones like this guy. It's the price we pay for global free speech. As long as he's not arguing for murder/violent suppression of specific groups, I won't even give him my hear or care.

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I couldn't even watch this whole video because it made me so mad and I don't want to ruin my day listening to some stupid, retarded idiot who doesn't know that he is talking about. 

Yes, this needs to come off youtube. I can't believe he actually believes grey-aces don't exist. not only that, he apparently also doesn't' believe non-binary people exist. 

. . .just. . wow

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I enjoyed this video. Well I didn't watch it, I just read the title.


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I .

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I don't mind the removal of certain individuals from online places because there's a ToS they've agreed to. Why should Twitter allow someone to spit vitrol and hate on their platform? It's like someone putting up a stage for others to get onto and telling someone "Sorry, you're an asshole and have lost your right to stand on the stage." 


But as for the video... I won't watch it. I refuse to give him the views. It doesn't surprise me at all that he also doesn't believe in other GRSM identities. I hope he comes to realize how much of a dick he is.

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I watched, and it should be to no surprise that this dude doesn't seem to know what he is talking about 

1. He describes a grey ace as a person who is "sometimes asexual and sometimes sexual", which is a misleading description to say the very least. Grey aces are not people who are on again off again asexual throughout the day, grey aces are grey aces. At best you could say he described demisexuals, but even then so what he described would be a poor and over simplified description of what that is 

2. He says that grey aces created their own flag, and then goes on to describe the asexual flag.  No, that flag you are describing is the asexual flag, and grey aces have a stripe/color on that flag that represents them. 

3. He says that grey aces are not a thing because all people who are sexual fall under the grey ace category. This statement is of course inaccurate, and it becomes especially obvious as he proceeds to describe his own sexuality. He describes himself as sometimes having the instinct to have sex with someone else, but not having it all the time for every person

This is not relatable  for me personally, because I have never had the instinct to have sex with someone, and the idea of it actually grosses me out. I came to the conclusion that I was a grey ace because i actually took the time to read up on what it actually is. I feel that I am a grey ace because I do have some grey areas between sexuality and asexuality within me, I am attracted to people's physical features, and I do become aroused by these features. I've even had crushes on other people, but even the biggest crush I have ever had for someone, I did not have the urge to have sex with that person, or even kiss them for that matter. I have simply never been attracted to anyone in that way 

That's just me though, different people have their own different grey areas 


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