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what was the most rude thing a teacher (or professor) has done to you?


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One club that I was in during elementary school, the adult running it grabbed and ruler and hit on the back with it as hard as he could. He left after that day.

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Pushed me out a door because I was by TWO damb minutes 

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rainbowsprinklez 🐙💜🍬

When I was in kindergarten my mom let me wear some lipstick for fun one day. When the teacher saw she freaked out and started Yelling at me. Her face turned red with anger and she forced me to go wash it off. I balled for a good twenty minutes in the bathroom lol.

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I had a wretched math teacher/swim coach who thrust a tampon in my face and told me I'd have to grow up and learn how to use one eventually when I told her I was on my period for the second time ever at 13 and I asked to be excused from swimming in PE for the week. I wasn't even on the swim team... it was PE!! I was totally freaked out and upset. Though, my mother called and tore her a new one after I came home and asked her for a note for the next day. She was pissed. 


I also had a teacher force me to slow dance with the 8th grade boy everyone crushed on when I was just a 6th grader because she thought we'd make a cute couple. He clearly wasn't interested and I was humiliated and ended up crying in the bathroom. My mother came to my rescue then, too. 


Thanks, Mom! ❤️

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Let me preface this by saying that I've had a lot of great teachers and professors...but some that were just plain horrible.


In high school, one teacher told me that gay people go to hell (and she knew I wasn't straight).  Another teacher asked me what church I attended, and when I said I didn't attend one, she said I needed to get myself saved or I would go to hell.


In college, I had a professor who wrote "see me during my office hours" on one of my essays.  When I went to see him, he said he just wanted to talk to me about my essay because it was decent and I didn't seem intelligent enough to write that well.  Looking back, I think he saw it as some sort of "tough love" tactic that would make me want to prove myself in the class, but at the time I was just angry and dropped the class.

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Not to me (I did my Master's somewhere else), but I studied philology (linguistics and literature and other things) and in the Master's course, in a translation course that, I think, might have had too many applicants or something, on the first day the professor gives everyone a piece of text to translate. Next time, after correcting the translations, he reads a bunch of names out loud and says "You are never going to make a translator. Leave this course."


I am still livid just thinking about it. What a piece of human shit. I don't care if you've translated freaking Chaucer into our language - nothing gives you permission to publicly humiliate people just for the sick fun of it... master's students, too, not some random bozos off the street who might have gotten it into their head they're gonna be translators when they barely speak the language.

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One day in 6th grade I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat, then this blonde teacher (i don't even know her name) walks past and says,

"No wonder you're so skinny."


Moral of the story? Don't assume someone's diet based on what they look like, because i'm extremely slender even though I eat LOTS of sugary food and am an extreme chocoholic, as well as loving food in general. I don't know why but I think it has something to do with my genetics.


Also judging people's weight in general is extremely rude. Stupid teacher. Glad I moved schools.

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8 hours ago, Lunala said:

One day in 6th grade I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat, then this blonde teacher (i don't even know her name) walks past and says,

"No wonder you're so skinny."


Moral of the story? Don't assume someone's diet based on what they look like, because i'm extremely slender even though I eat LOTS of sugary food and am an extreme chocoholic, as well as loving food in general. I don't know why but I think it has something to do with my genetics.


Also judging people's weight in general is extremely rude. Stupid teacher. Glad I moved schools.

I had a supply teacher make a comment based on my weight, although I'm on the other side of the scale.


I've always been overweight.  Around Year 9 at school, we had a supply teacher to cover our regular teacher.  He brought in an exercise bike at the front.  To this day, I can never remember the reason why he brought in the exercise bike or what he was trying to teach us.


Needless to say, the teacher picked me out from the class to be first to go on the exercise bike.


"Looks like you're going to need it the most," he said in front of the entire class.


Thanks, fella.  I love you too.



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Called me stupid behind my back. Thank god for my friend who told me so I could drop the class. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was called an "unruly child" because I had mental breakdowns sometimes and I'm high functioning autistic.

(It happened in 6th grade before I was pulled out of mainstream school and did online school)

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Copper (II) Sulphate

Seems that English teachers are the worst sort of teacher.  At my high school, there was this teacher, Mrs M, who was (still is! or so I hear) infamous around the school for being a lazy bench.  She always seemed to get the top classes, though, so her pass rate was good enough she doesn't get fired.  Anyway, cut to my second year English class, and Mrs M like to chat.  We love it, after all, we're all 13 and looking for a skive, but toward the end of the year, we are realising that we haven't made much progress compared to other classes in our year.  There was a big mix of ability, and the group of us hoping to get into the top set for Standard Grade ("GCSE's") are concerned that we aren't going to make it. (We never had a regular teacher the year before, in part due to staff shortages around the school.)  So we're talking about that when Mrs M stops her conversation with a teaching aide (she scribed for a blind classmate, idk the actual job title) with this corker:

'We're fifteen minutes into this lesson and you're still talking, ladies!  Take your books out and get to work with the questions on the board.'

We had to explain to her that SHE'D been so busy talking to Susan that she'd forgotten to switch the projector on.  We aren't mind readers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(Imagine my dismay when I get her for the next TWO years.  I was the only person from that S2 class to end up with in her Standard Grade.  Imagine my frustration when I try to explain I didn't know 'basic essay structure' despite being in the top set because she hadn't taught it the year before.  And I had no one to back me up.)

Honorable mentions:

  • the guidance teacher (former English teacher!) who came to my homeroom to hand out permission slips for a residential trip in third year, handed one to K on my left, P on my right, and F and N sitting in front of me, then left.  I had no idea I was even invited until P said the organisers wondered why I hadn't shown up at this meeting.  Cue meltdowns the morning of departure, as neither my mum nor I knew if I was meant to be going or not.
  • the art teacher who would call me out in front of the whole class in S6 for falling behind, saying the S5's work was better quality, and that I was going to struggle just to get a letter grade. (despite being signed off for clinical depression before himself, he seemed to ignore the very obvious signs of it in me) F* you Mr, I got a B!
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