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Intuitive repulsion


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Do you ever get a bad feeling from certain people? Like not based off anything in particular but you feel anxious and can’t be yourself around them? Only to find out later they are attracted (sexually?) to you. I feel like I have this intuition but I have no idea what I’m picking up on so I feel bad for keeping my distance from the person for no specific reason. 

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From my experience I can look back at something a few weeks later and realize that someone is attracted to me, but I can’t tell in the moment. Everything is easier for me to see when I am looking back at something, even though I really shouldn’t need to take as long as I do to realize (I was friends with a girl that I’m pretty sure was attracted to me for all of 9th grade, and I only realized near the end of that summer). I’d probably feel repulsion if something got sexual though.

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1 hour ago, Moglie said:

Do you ever get a bad feeling from certain people? Like not based off anything in particular but you feel anxious and can’t be yourself around them? Only to find out later they are attracted (sexually?) to you. I feel like I have this intuition but I have no idea what I’m picking up on so I feel bad for keeping my distance from the person for no specific reason. 

Yes, I was in exactly the same situation. Please do not feel bad. Your higher instincts are leading, protecting, and guiding you. I have kept my true self at a distance and, discovered they were attracted to me too, yet, Something about them made me stay away. Two years later I  am thanking God for staying away because  this person was not the same person everyone thought they were, and hidden negative issues about them were revealed. I also believe that being Asexual makes your intuition more accurate.

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