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Find out you political position (PolitiScales)


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I found this great site that makes you answer a few questions and shows you a chart about your political affiliation as a result - broken up into different topics.


Have a try: click me


Here's my results:


My additional characteristics say Veganism and Monarchism.

Yeah, seems like I'm a kind of green left-leaning patriotic revolutionary monarchist. Just as I expected 😂 I think it would suffice to say that my political attitude was as hard to figure out as my sexuality.


I'd love to see your results! Please no discussions or judging other people's ideologies, just share different ideas :)

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I've done things like this before and always gotten something along the lines of "super liberal".

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Preface: I consider myself an ancom. (A bit more black than red, but still pretty red)


Also, I didn't understand about a third of the questions, so I tried to interpret them as best as I could (and chose the "neutral" option a lot when I simply couldn't understand what I was asked in order to answer accurately. I think that's the reason why I ended up only 67% commie and not more). All that said, here are my results. In spite of all that, I'd say my results are pretty accurate. Picked up on my anarchism, so I consider that a win.





Edit: Also I have to say that I like the flag. A lot.

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I took it twice - first time it was 

Equality - Humanity - Work 



Forgot to save the link the first time lol but I did get this.

and the second time was 

Family - Justice - Fatherland



I may have been slightly more strongly opinionated the first time hence the difference.

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Wow, I got some results that are pretty close to some of the others but some that were way different. I was also pretty indecisive for a lot of the questions so there are some big blank bits.


I'm totally way more capitalist than communist though XD

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"A few"?! Bro, that's 117 questions! Fucking hell...


Equality, Humanity, Socialism


Sounds like me.http://www.politiscales.net/en_US/results/?j1=19&j0=45&t1=50&t0=33&e1=40&e0=40&s1=10&s0=81&m0=67&m1=10&b0=76&b1=14&c0=71&c1=10&p1=17&p0=60&femi=67&vega=100 


EDIT: just noticed the Veganism thing added when I scrolled down. Lol.

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Equality-Humanity-Socialism for me



I have a hard time with that quiz because my own political views vary on what is practical. Marxist-Communism (actual Communism, not USSR-Style Socialism) along Luxemburgish-Trotskyist lines would be ideal, but as that is not practical I compromise. I can compromise to Socialism, then compromise to Social Democracy. then compromise to Keynesian Economics, then compromise to anything broadly Left-Wing. That sense of compromise is not something that translated well into the results.


Also, their idea of Communism on the Communist-Capitalist Axis they have is a little wrong, it is more like Government-Control vs. Capitalism, because Communism is so much more than just government control of industry (Government is not even suppose to exist in Communism according to Marx).

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Equality, Humanity, and Socialism



I don't think the socialism aspect is quite accurate, as I had 21% communism, 60% neutral, and 19% capitalism. So if anything I'd say I was neutral on that aspect or something not quite either. Other than that the Equality and Humanity aspects I think describe my approach to things pretty well.


Also my additional attribute was veganism lol. I don't want to enforce like nation/world wide veganism, but I do think some serious changes should be made to the agriculture/animal industry.

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Never much liked quizzes because of how much they so often tend to shoehorn your responses down to whether or not you agree on something, and to be honest, a lot of those questions reek of trying to get you to bite down on an affirmative stance when in reality a lot of those questions both have yes and no answers depending on circumstance. Guess that's why ultimately 90% of my responses were neutral.

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I got Equality, Humanity, Work. Not too sure what it means, but...I guess I am a fan of those three things, so...cool? :)

Thanks for sharing this quiz! The questions really made me think. 

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Additional characteristics- Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.

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The Terrible Travis


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I don't have time for 117 questions so I'll just say what my results have been on other political aligment tests: green social democrat

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Equality/ Humanity/ Socialism

I think it didn't consider me an environmentalist because some of my opinions are less than orthodox- for example, I think that GMOs have potentially beneficial applications outside research and agriculture.

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I got work - equality - humanity, but capitalism and to a lesser degree progressivism were the only scales where I showed a strong preference.

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Then I have this under additional characteristics. " Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available "

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Sounds about right:




I got the pragmatism badge and the missionary badge.


Missionary : for you religion is important, especially yours. It is therefore appropriate to spread it as globally as possible. (Don't worry, I'm not as invasive as it makes it sound)

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How do you get it to paste the image? I tried 'copy' and 'paste', but that doesn't work. Anyway, I'm kind of a Communist Conservative Monarchist, and my flag is a large red cross on a white background, with a fleur-de-lys and sickle in the top left corner. Motto: Humanity, Socialism, Family.




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I got as far as "Reduction of waste should be done by reducing production"

I neither disagree or agree with that.  I think that reducing production is right in some cases but not in others depending on what substitutes are available.   That is completely different from being neutral. 


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