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World Pride 2021 - Human Rights Conference


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Hi all.


In 2021 World Pride will be in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the preparations for the human rights conference taking place at this event has already started. We (a local asexual organization ""Asexual Association Denmark" has been invited to a brainstorm event to present ideas for the conference. 


Here's what they write in the invitation: "The conference brings together some of the largest and most important voices in the LGBT+ rights work worldwide, including politicians, activists, media people, and many more. We need your contribution and ideas."


So with this in mind - who would you propose for this conference in order for the asexual voices to be heard?

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Great news! I've done presentations at a couple of these WPHRCs in the past (Toronto and Madrid) so I can offer some tips. It would be great for local community voices to do this though. You might also look into organising an ace conference, as we did in London 2012, Toronto 2014 and Madrid 2017 - and as they're currently doing for NYC this year.

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18 hours ago, michaeld said:

Great news! I've done presentations at a couple of these WPHRCs in the past (Toronto and Madrid) so I can offer some tips. It would be great for local community voices to do this though. You might also look into organising an ace conference, as we did in London 2012, Toronto 2014 and Madrid 2017 - and as they're currently doing for NYC this year.

Tips are more than welcome :) Noone in our small organization have attended a WPHRC before, so we don't know what to expect. 
I'll look into the threads for ace conferences for ideas :) Thanks.

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We should mention that the brainstorm workshop is this coming Monday. So if anyone has ideas for any interesting speakers, personalities, etc., that you think could make an interesting contribution to the conference, it'd be great to get them before Monday. But after will of course be fine too :).

As we have good contacts with the organisers, there's also a chance of getting funding etc.

You should also feel welcome to post suggestions relating to aromantics, grey, etc., etc., it doesn't have to be asexuality only.


On 5/13/2019 at 11:15 PM, michaeld said:

It would be great for local community voices to do this though.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here. We (TarinSai, myself and others around here) will be making some suggestions, but we're also looking for inputs from the international community for interesting international people to invite. We'll be passing on the suggestions from this forum, so they'll be coming from "local voices" to the organisers. Or do you mean you'd rather see the local voices give the presentations?

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I meant the latter! Not that it has to be, but since it's the first time in not only Denmark - actually the first WPHRC in Northern Europe we've been represented at - it would be good to have local presenters.

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I'm sure we'll get some local voices in (but thanks for reminding us :)).


I think we need both. There are also a lot of locals attending, and for them it would be nice to see some international guests (they see the same local faces every year at the Copenhagen Pride HRC more or less ;)) - sort of to emphasise that this is an international thing. And I guess the international guests take more planning (travelling, sponsoring, etc.), so I think the focus is on suggesting names for that now.


Also, I know that I (and some others), tend to focus on our local activities most of the time, so we're not really up-to-date on what's going on internationally, and hence looking for inspiration for what names we should've been aware of :).

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I've done a couple of these (presentations at the WPHRC) myself in the past; I'm just keen to spread it around a bit. There are lots of people who would be great. You might like to reach out to @yazybee - they are UK based (like me) and have done a lot of media and speaking work recently.

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