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Random Gripe (Tired of twitter feuds)(aimless post really...)


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Alright, this is really, really random... Half rant, half musing lol
I've thought this for a while, but todays twitter and youtuber kerfoffle really annoyed me.

So it's basically a he cheated/she cheated while married situation between youtubers I used to follow. But following the absolute shitstorm made me think about it.

I have no doubt that I'm ace. I'm trying to come to terms with identifying as aromantic.

But I do not get it at all.

It puzzles me so much whenever there's #scandal news that pop up about infidelity... so much importance about who's sleeping with who and what not.
😕 How hard can it be to stay 'faithful' to someone? 😕 

I was brought up conservatively and taught to revere marriage like it was the be all end all of relationship goals. I thought it was so odd then as I grew up seeing people 'break up' left and right. Get married, then divorced. Cheating and sleeping around etc.

Okay, so people find sex really enjoyable. But seriously? ugh.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this lol, I guess I'm just looking for people who might feel the same way. Just... confused about how people find it difficult to keep it in their pants and staying 'faithful'.

I mean, aesthetically I know I get attracted to people. I never act on them. My parents are continually trying to set me up on dates and dad has actually been pushing me to add someone on facebook just because he wants me to 'hook up' with someone -.-

I'm sorta disillusioned by relationships. I remember wondering what it would be like to be in one, but I honestly couldn't say how differently I would treat someone I was in a relationship with and a close friend. :S 


I'm rambling and probably have no point xD so I'll stop here...


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I hate when feuds break up people. Kinda related, my favourite youtubers broke up last year but they never published why and I respect that they don't want to throw anyone under the bus but I'm also really curious. I can't bring myself to watch their old videos, it makes me feel bad knowing they're not friends anymore.


In regards to cheating I would say people always seem to try to justify it to themselves in their heads. They blame everyone but themselves, I find that really annoying tbh. Some people see it as 'getting even' or catering to their sexual desires but at the end of the day they did the action so they must accept the consequences.

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Western culture is a disposable society. Everything gets treated like chewing gum. Enjoyable until it gets stale. Press it under your movie seat and grab another piece. Chew, chew, chew. We then treat one another like chewing gum. People last a bit longer, though. Of course what goes around comes around. When we get old we are disposed of in some nursing home right across the street from the local cemetery. I'm sure our children will look back upon these days and think :


We have nothing.

You had everything.

How could you just throw it all away?

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On 5/10/2019 at 1:55 AM, Moonman said:

People have a hard time resisting temptation. I have a hard time not eating cake when I know I can have cake.


Plus forbidden fruits can taste much sweeter. I quit drinking alcohol as soon as I could legally drink it, the thrill was gone haha. 


If you're really interested, Esther Perel once did a great TED talk on infidelity that's well worth a listen.



Oh cheers for the link :o

Hrmm, fair point about temptation :S 

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On 5/9/2019 at 12:55 PM, Moonman said:

Plus forbidden fruits can taste much sweeter. I quit drinking alcohol as soon as I could legally drink it, the thrill was gone haha.


Same here!

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try scenic not-twitter! "There's a door to it in every home"!

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One reason for infidelity:  people who enjoy sex and consider it an important part of their life and their relationship get depressed when they no longer feel sexual toward their relationship partner.  Since they don't want to give up sex, and they don't want to give up their relationship, they find someone else to have sex with and don't tell their partner.  That isn't fair to the partner, but it happens.  It's difficult for asexuals to understand why they do this because we don't want sex in the first place; thus it's not important to us.  

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