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Am I aromantic?


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So. Hi!! I'm kind of new here. And I need some help. ;-; I have always thought of myself as aromantic. I had never really had a crush on anyone before and people in general disinterested me. I found it strange when all my friends were talking about their crushes, and I had nothing to say, I couldn't relate at all, and I felt isolated. But anyways, finding out about Aromanticsm made me so happy to know I'm not alone. But I don't really know if that I'm really aromantic, I feel proud to say that I am aromantic, but at the same time I'm not sure I it's right to say. Because recently there's a girl, that whenever she is near my face turns red and my heart beats fast. I can't even look her in the eye. I absolutely hate that feeling. I cannot calm down, and I blush a lot. But I can't even imagine a relationship with her-or anyone. There is also my bestfriend who I always imagine holding her hand and having a future together, but at the same time, I don't know? I Imagine us being together forever-like soulmates, but of course she has someone else, and it hurts so much. I always thought we'd be together, and seeing her happy with someone else making me feel even more alone...

Haha. Sorry, I just had to get all those complicated feelings off my chest.

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You could be aromantic or   demiromantic or mostly aromantic.  I’ve had LOTS of crushes but at 34 realized I’m aromantic. Not because I don’t experience crushes but because that’s all I experience deep crazy crushes that fade over time. Furthermore now that I’ve stopped focusing on dating and finding “the one” I’ve found I miss nothing about dating or having crushes. My advice is stop worrying! If you want to call yourself aromantic that’s awesome! But if there’s another aromantic term that fits better you can look for and use that one. Or you don’t have to pick anything at all!  Also re your crushes, don’t worry having them doesn’t mean your not aromantic it just means you’re human!  Enjoy them and either they’ll blossom into something or fade away it’s all good. Stop worrying so much about qualifying as one thing or another and instead focus on embracing all the unique parts of who you are. 


Peaceful Journeys,


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It could be a squish, aka a platonic crush. I'd also love to live with my bestie but don't feel romantically for her. Hand holding could be romantic or platonic, as can jealousy, so neither of those really help.

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