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Romantic Attraction: The confusing ongoing journey

- Ness -

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I've told the story of finding out about my asexuality and that journey, but this one is a little more interesting. 


I've always known since my pretty youngin years that I was bi so biromantic was a clear yes in my book. However, me being the pretty confused child I was still didn't get one thing: I rarely felt any romantic attraction towards anybody. I had crushes but it was more feelings of admiration and/or platonic/familial feelings then being romantically attracted to them. as I learnt later on. I  felt romantic attraction towards person one, but later lost it for them. I also felt that if I did feel romantic attraction, I didn't really need it to be reciprocated or returned. I don't totally want to avoid dating and relationships, but I feel like if I ever to accept someones feelings for me, I don't really require reciprocation to feel a fulfilled relationship. 


While I was looking around on AVEN and reading, I found two labels that I felt related to me: Greyromantic and Lithromantic. I rarely felt romantic attraction, but when I did I didn't need my feelings to be returned. It's not a requirement for me to feel fulfilled. But just for easy reference, I'm simply just a Grey-A Biromantic 


I do sometimes think that I think a little too hard about it and while that may be the case, it's always good to simply just roll with it and not think too hard. I do experience some homophobia from my parents due to religion, but I was still pretty accepting of myself for being bi and not liking sex. Sex is out of the question. I am attracted to both girls and guys (I do swing towards guys a little more through but that doesn't diminish the fact I like girls too.) and I'm pretty much trying to still find myself as the years goes past. Do I still question myself? Of course. I think the journey is never over and is always continuing no matter how confusing it is. 


Sexuality and attraction is a rather confusing but interesting journey of self-discovery 

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I just wanted to say - don't feel the pressure to define or "label" yourself. Especially if you don't feel like you found something that truly suits you. Unless you feel like you really need to, of course. Sexuality and romantic orientations can be really confusing, but as long as you are happy and content with the place you are in - there is no need or rush to define your feelings or preferences. 


I hope you are having a good day! ~ 

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