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Ways you deal with anxiety.


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How do you guys deal with anxiety? I kinda do something weird. I talk to myself, like literally in third person. I pretend to be a comforting friend and we go over logical reasons why this probably wouldn't happen, and the problem was being blown out of proportion. I also have this pretend court in my head trying to figure out what decisions I should make. I also count in my head and I try and learn how to count in other languages and I count in a different language it kind of helps. Does anyone else do this? For people who have anxiety, how do you deal with it?

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Hmm. I mostly coach myself through it, like you said. Talking to myself helps a lot. I have BPD, and so when I'm in stressful situations, my paranoia increases tenfold. I reach for that small part of my brain that is still functional and try to rationalize what I'm experiencing. "You feel like this because you have a disorder and it's making you feel like this. Everything is okay." Of course, that doesn't always apply. When I'm anxious about other things, like a quiz or messing up at work, I remind myself that it's okay and perfectly normal to fail. I just have to learn from it.


Another thing I do (and this is just me) is I think about something I love that I associate with my identity. I like K-Pop, for instance, so I'll spend a little time binging my favorite groups, reading articles about them, and getting absorbed in the culture. I also daydream scenarios that would make me happy, instead of worrying about how it could go wrong. Like, yes, I could fail the quiz, but I could also kick its ass, and my professor would be extremely proud, and so forth.


Anyway, I hope that makes sense. :P

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I... tend to deal with most things... rather poorly. Healthy coping mechanisms have not been established. 😓 Distraction I suppose is my main go-to.

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I pay attention to my breathing, talk to myself, will call my sister under some circumstances, and close my eyes (if I can where I'm at) and do them. It helps lessen the distractions when I feel it taking hold. 

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Stress balls. 

Eating food that makes me happy.

Drawing / colouring.

Listening to loud music.

Try asking myself about what could go RIGHT instead of WRONG, or if it's related to myself I'll over-glorify some aspect ( eg. "I am the epitome of grace" if I fall ) instead of being overly-negative ( eg. "everyone is looking at me, I can't even walk properly" after falling ).


Washing dishes.

Focus on the world around you and practice mindfulness. Is there moss growing between cracks in the sidewalks? How many clouds can you count? Etc.

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Bruce Wayne

I try to be quiet and relax... Sometimes I will say something to myself aloud... I also like to look in the mirror if I feel like a bit of social anxiety... When I see myself in the mirror, I'm usually like "you look fine" and I relax and all that nervousness goes away.

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Since depression can be a root cause of anxiety, I try to treat the depression.  Generally supplements like L-Tyrosine or St. Johns wort or Vitamin D or Fish oil work pretty well for me.  Also, physical exercise!   ALso also, not consuming too much caffeine. 

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Custard Cream

Being creative, eating out and cuddling up with my partner are all good.

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Sometimes I talk to myself, go somewhere to be alone, but most often I just kind of let the anxiety attack happen. :( I'm bad at managing my anxiety, honestly.

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Quite often tell it to fuck off. Failing that, cars, creatures or laptop.

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Solitude, ASMR, music, cardio exercise, procrastination, vegging out, medication in tiny doses.


Nowadays I think I have anxiety more often because of metabolic issues than because of proper psychological ones, so realizing what's going on is usually half the battle already. Even when I can't do anything about it, knowing that it's not up to me and that it will probably go away on its own can be enough to improve things.

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3 hours ago, Malum said:

Pretend it doesn't exist, then die. Anime.

Yeah, I try and it ignore it but it never works. 🙁 Recently anime has been my way of disappearing and forgetting the world, even just for a little bit. 

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depending on severity...  If I'm trying to sleep, then it's getting up for a bit. Listening to music. Looking at cat pictures. Talking it out.

I'd say in mild to moderate instances, giving myself permission to feel anxious. Some things are stressful, it's a legitimate reaction. I probably criticize my feelings much more than I should. So crying a little, and then finding something else to do, is a way to deal.


Not going to lie, in severe times I have an "as needed" medication.

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I talk to myself quite a lot actually, but yes when I’m having anxiety I’ll sometimes tell myself things like “It’s alright” and “You can do this”.


Besides my medication, I also breathe deeply, or hug a plushie or a pillow.

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J. van Deijck
On 3/21/2019 at 6:18 AM, Lee 🌸 said:

Another thing I do (and this is just me) is I think about something I love that I associate with my identity.

i do it, too. it's pretty helpful.


or I read a book so I can move to another world for a moment.

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Cutting down on caffeine helps, as well as getting enough sleep. My instant remedies include listening to calming/cheerful music, taking a walk in the sunshine if possible; and a few more things, like smoking. The latter is not a healthy habit, I know, and I don't recommend it. 

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Two approaches:

1)  At night before bed, I think about (no judging here) the plot for the D&D game that I run.  Its a nice neutral but engrossing topic. I can create an entire world in my head to my liking


2). I engage in activities that have some physical risk because I find that much easier to deal with than emotional risk.  I think humans were designed to deal with physical stress, not emotional.  In my case I fly an airplane - the reality of the risk puts other things in perspective for me.  I think any slightly dangerous, skill-requiring sport could do the same.  (this is stress that I can *do* something about, as opposed stress that makes me feel helpless)

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