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What are neurogenders


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I don't really consider myself mogai but im curious


How is gender supposed to be interpreted if (for example, because im diagnoised) autistics experience/interpret gender "differently"? 😕 :cake:

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I believe they are reserved for neurodiverse people who believe their neurotype affects their gender too much to fit into a 'typical' category. I'm autistic myself, but prefer to to go with 'confused flailing' ;)

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This is a new thing to me and I'm on the spectrum as well. Anyone wanna explain???

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Basically, neurogenders are genders that are heavily influenced by or can only be seen through the lens of the gender holder's neurodivergence. For instance, an autistic person may feel like their gender can only be seen through the lens of their autism, and thus is inseparable from it. They could consider themself neurogender and/or autigender.

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Then... how is gender SUPPOSED to be experienced if autistics experience it differently


Like, I was born female, I know I'm female


It's different for NTs???

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The majority of autistic people just use the same categories as everyone else, neurogenders are just there because a small percentage of NDs find them useful. I wouldn't worry about it if you're happy as you are.

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