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Transition and Role-play


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Before I began to transition and before I even realized I was trans I used to spend a lot of time online roleplaying, mostly on Second life and sometime just text based chat. In a sense my gender and my kink were married together in a capsule that I could easily hide from the world. When I decoupled them my kink pretty much vanished on me, I could finally be myself and I'm super happy about that, but I think a lot of my pleasure still rests in kink.


So far I've been physicalizing my kink by purchasing the objects I need, dressing up and taking photos. This makes me happy, but so does role-play. I think. I feel like in the couple recent plays I've tried to do I have the appetite but pretty soon after starting I'm either just bored or not wanting to enter the world I so happily created for myself. It's like smelling an empty beer can when you have a hangover.


I'm not sure if there is really a question in here or more of a rant, but has anyone managed to kind of happily transition their kinks as well as their gender? I think some of this probably just frustration in having a hard time finding IRL play partners.

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Sage Raven Domino

I haven't managed it yet because I have more important issues to deal with, but once they're sorted out, I'm going down the same route as you took :) Dressed in-world selfies are my porn :ph34r:

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