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Does it sound like I'm lithromantic?

Sylvia Odhner

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Sylvia Odhner

I recently read about the meaning of the term "lithromantic" and it kind of sounds like it might describe me but I'm not sure. 


I think I'm heteroromantic because I'm asexual but I get huge crushes on people, with the feeling like I'm falling in love but it's only one-sided. It happens with celebrities just as much as with people I know. But I don't know if I've ever wanted to be in a relationship with anyone. I never found out because I never tried to start one and no one I had a crush on ever expressed similar feelings towards me. I always just wanted to be friends with them and be really close to them if we knew each other in real life. But I'd still get obsessed and find myself thinking about them all the time, so it's more than just a desire to be friends with someone. 


Here's where I think my romantic feelings are different from most people's: I've never been hit hard by unrequited love, and I've never related to the desperation with which other people talk about it. I don't feel a need for my feelings to be reciprocated, I just want my crushes to like me enough to want to spend time with me and care about me. I don't mind if we like each other in unequal amounts. 


When I read about being lithromantic, it sounds more like you like the idea of being in a romantic relationship until you're actually in one and then you get a sick feeling about it. I haven't had a chance to experience that feeling because I've never been in one. So maybe I'm not, I'm just curious. People who are lithromantic, how similar does my experience sound to yours? Does anyone else feel the way I do? 

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I am not lithromantic but I figured I send a comment anyways. The kind of attraction you describe that you've had towards people in the sense of wanting to be good friends with them is often called a squish. I personally think it might be hard to pinpoint a romantic attraction as specific as lithromantic without having been in a romantic relationship (again I am not lithro so idk) But if you feel any kind of attraction to someone to be friends or more than that might as well try to pursue a friendship with them and maybe it will evolve into something more. 

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