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Vocabulary Question: Cis____?


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Does anyone know if there is a word for someone whose romantic orientation matches their sexual orientation. The other day I was reading a book with a character who is pan, and I kept having to write out "panromantic and pansexual" just to be clear what I meant. I would assume that such a word would have the prefix cis, but  I'm having trouble figuring out what the rest of the word would be.


Would I just use the prefix and not the rest of the word? That might work for identity like pan, bi, or ace, but I would be uncomfortable with using the term "homo", and people tend to assume that gay means "homosexual and homoromantic" not just one or the other.

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I don't see why this would need specification. Sexual and romantic orientation matches in the majority of cases, so woudn't it be sensible to assume that it matches unless otherwise specified?

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Yea, I think that usually, split attraction isn't considered unless it is specified that the sexual and romantic orientations differ or if the person is ace, since most people who are bisexual are biromantic, heterosexual and heteroromantic, etc. If I'm wrong though, please lemme know :)

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Just say -sexual. Usually, orientations ending in -sexual imply matching romantic, aesthetic, sensual, etc. orientations as well. The only place where you'd actually have to specify what the person's romantic, aesthetic, sensual, etc. orientation(s) is/are would be if they are lacking one or more orientation(s) in some way (e.g. asexual). For instance, I specify that I'm panromantic and pansensual because I'm asexual, so people might be confused about whether I experience romantic and sensual attraction. I don't bother stating my other orientations because those are implied, as far as I'm concerned.

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