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How would you describe your gender?


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Hmm... i've always said "male body stuck in a female body" which seems to describe me pretty well.


So i'd go with male, albeit a female socialised male (afab) which has resulted in a few effeminate traits which are gonna be hard if not impossible to unlearn.


But I think i'm okay with that tbh. I mean gender roles are dumb, guys should be allowed to like "girly" stuff and indulge their feminine side.


But I would vastly prefer to present as male.


Albeit a male who sometimes wears skirts... ahem.

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I think of my gender, and the only thought I have most of the time is "meh"

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I am a cis-gender woman and I always know it ever since I am a kid. Was a little tomboy when I was little, but for some reason I stopped acting tomboyish when I reached adolescent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

..... like a kazoo playing 'Amazing Grace'.......

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Null set. Nonexistant. Gender is a concept that I don't truly understand (not on a personal level), and so that's about the best I can do. I don't seem to have it, I can't relate to it, and it constantly frustrates me that people insist on applying it to me. I'd prefer for there to be nothing anyone could take as gendered about me. My ideal would be for the language to not differentiate people based on gender, but given that English does, neutral pronouns are the best I can hope for.


I can't tell the difference between actual gendered behaviour and stereotypes, apparently - I spent years assuming it was all stereotypes and being baffled as to why anyone would be upset at me for pointing that "really obvious fact" out - so now I just let the people who understand it sort all that out and try to listen and understand as best I can. That's probably part of my general difficulty understanding and relating to other people, though, rather than anything else, and I'm still working on it.

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