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Demi on my terms


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Hello everyone! I'm excited to explore a community of others figuring out their sexual experiences outside of the norm.


I am slowly coming into accepting myself as demipansexual--I experience sexual attraction irrespective of gender, but only to people I've known for a while or connected with in some way.


It's been a lot of back and forth about whether I'm demi "enough," in my head. My sexual and romantic drives are strong, so even though I crush very rarely I crush *hard*--it suddenly smacks me in the face after months of nothing. I'm more likely to experience sexual attraction to people I find aesthetically attractive, still after knowing them for a while. I also crush on famous people, but only after I've had a chance to emotionally invest in a character they play.


Sometimes those are things I've seen contradict the demi "checkboxes," but I also know I don't experience attraction in an allosexual way, so here I am! Thanks for being a welcoming and informative space. Looking forward to learning more.

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Hi and welcome on AVEN! I hope you'll be able to figure it all out and I hope you'll like it here! Here's a cute cake as a welcoming gift😊



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Welcome, person!  I hope this place helps you figure yourself out.  I hope you have fun in the process :)

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Welcome @sweetjanelane to AVEN . we all are here to learn about our selves and to be part of a community that really cares and understands, so welcome again and enjoy your cake🍰

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Welcome! It sounds like you’re on the right track with your identity. You don’t have to fulfill all of the “checkboxes” in order to indentify as Demi, it’s your life and your label - if you feel it fits go for it :) 


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Welcome and I hope you enjoy all that AVEN has to offer!!! There's a lot of fun to be had here :D

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@sweetjanelane Welcome to AVEN!


Incidentally, it is a tradition here to welcome new members by offering cake,


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Hi and welcome :)


Thank you for stopping by and saying Hello! You've come to the right place - AVEN is a wonderful community with lots of friendly and supportive people from all over the planet. I'm sure you'll like it here!


Personally I'm not a big fan of "labels" - to me all is well as long as you're comfortable with who you are and what you feel. The rest will just fall ito place at some point :) You might want to have a look at The Gray Area, which is where a lot of graysexual and demisexual hang out to discuss their thoughts and experiences. Maybe there's something that resonates with you? Then there's Asexual Relationships, where we talk about how being asexual (or somewhat close to that) affects our everyday relationships, be them familial, platonic or romantic. If you're up for a light-hearted chat or a silly game, join us in Just For Fun!


Take your time to read and explore the forums and if you have a question, ask away! I hope you'll enjoy your time on here :)


Here's half a cake ;)




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