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Blue Lilac

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I also have a similar experience. I dream about having a partner, not necessarily in an icky way but definitely in a romantic way. i dream about a strong connection to someone who wants to be with me and be around me and talk to me. Maybe we hug. But the feeling of love and care and connection is so strong that when I wake up and realise that this is not going to happen for me, for a number of reasons, there comes a sinking sadness. I know my life will never entail the close and loving relationships i witness in other people in the world, and yes i guess it does make me question my aromanticism, something I am still very confused about anyway. To be honest I think a major part of it is that the way I see and feel about myself, someone loving and wanting to be with me in any way, is a dream. that's all. just a dream. 

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This has happened to me before, quite a lot a few years ago. I used to dream about a man almost every night that loved me very much. He would always be so happy to be with me and see me, and we would go on dates and spend a lot of time together. I was very in love with him and he was very in love with me too in those dreams. I never felt a connection before like that with a real man, and it was honestly so beautiful and nice... I used to call him my "dream guy" haha.


I don't dream about him anymore though. Sometimes I think about him from time to time, but it's mostly in a "that was nice" kind of way. It's kinda "weird" to me how I think back to how nice those dreams were, but I still don't want a romantic relationship with anyone.

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I've had similar dreams before. Usually, in the dreams, I will feel a connection with the person I'm dreaming about and sometimes we'll hug and/or kiss. Typically, it's with someone I know, and whenever I wake up, I tend to develop a temporary squish on the person I had a dream about. But any feelings of desire to be in any kind of relationship with the person go away after awhile. I actually had a dream like this two days ago, and they seem to be getting more common for me.

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Yes! I've had very similar experiences before. When I'm awake I have no desire to date or kiss anyone and have never liked anyone, but I've had dreams before where a boy and I would hold hands or cuddle, and when I'd wake up I felt sad that it had to end. It's always a boy, which is interesting, and it's never anyone I know. We never kiss either, always hugging or just being close. I honestly love those dreams so much, they're so vivid and nice. 

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I have in fact had similar experiences, even though I am aromantic as far as I know. But it is very rare and not at all frequent; I think it is only around two or three times that I have ever had a dream like that. When it has happened, it has been based around a mental and emotional connection and not anything physical, and the person in my dream has not been any person I know in real life. However that mental feeling I got was very strong amd quite unlike anything I have ever experienced for real, which is why I remember those dreams and have not completely forgotton them. 

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